簡單清静原自本心/ 心識並不複雜

karmapa-fb29091627 September



然而,當他們曰漸長大,學習到我們複雜的想法,便使事情越來越困難。而這時,當我們試圖去理解一些很簡單的東西,大家都習慣將事物連繫到一些非常複雜的事情,並想「事情一定很複雜!」 因此,我們相信,一定有東西是我們沒有看到的。並且,不管使用任何方法也要找到這神秘的東西。但由於事情根本並不複雜,我們不會找到任何東西,因為從來就沒有什麼所謂「複雜」。而正因為我們沒有找到任何複雜的結果,我們更相信我們的想法是正確,一定有什麼神秘的東西存在。就是因為我們沒有找到任何東西,我們便強加一個標籤在這些懷疑上。這使事情變得非常,非常困難。

Our mind, in general, is not complicated at all.

It is very simple, very clear. In its nature, there is neither any hope nor fear, nor anything else. When we observe a toddler, we can see that their way of viewing the same world that we view is very, very simple. There is almost none of our fears and hopes at that time.

Of course, as they grow up, they learn our complicated ways and make things more and more difficult. And now, when we try to capture something very simple, we are so used to relating to things in a very complicated way that we tell ourselves “It must be complicated!” Therefore, we believe that there must be something that we do not see. And so we use whichever means are available to find this mysterious thing. But since it is not complicated, we will not find it, because there was never anything complicated in the first place. And as a result of not finding anything complicated, we sort of confirm our doubts that there really must be something mysterious. Because we do not find anything, we make up something, a label, to apply on top of this doubt. This makes things very, very difficult.

29 September



#Karmapa on Dealing With Difficult Thoughts

The source of simplicity comes from the heart.

Whenever we are in turmoil, confusion, all kinds of difficult thoughts and circumstances arise. When we calm ourselves down – whether we are Buddhists or not – in the end we can find a middle ground where we can see that applying the simple things in our lives helps and makes sense. In Buddhism, everything is about really making it simple, so that we can apply that simplicity in our everyday life.


(Photo/Magda Jungowska)
