我們需要保持覺察一切 / 生命的目的是為了利益他人 / 將心放鬆

每次在飛機起飛前,都必須作全面的檢查 – 機翼、引擎以至所有一切。同樣地,時刻保持警惕並檢視自己身語意的狀態是非常崇高和重要的行為。因此,作為一個修行者,我們需要保持覺察一切,避免累積不必要的惡業。


Every time before a plane takes off, it has to be checked from top to bottom – the wings, the engine, everything. So in the same way it is very noble and important to be constantly on guard and check one’s own being. Hence, as a practitioner, one should be aware of everything so that one doesn’t accumulate unnecessary karma.


31 May

生命的目的是為了去理解生命。當我們明白生命時,我們會看到生命是為了利益他人。沒有什麼比這目的更重要,沒有什麼不好或難以理解的 – 就是這麼明顯且簡單,生命的目的是為了利益他人。

The purpose of life is to understand life. When we understand life, we see that this life is about benefiting others. There is nothing more, nothing negative or mysterious – it is plain and simple: to benefit others.



只要我們可以將心放鬆,只要我們可以安住在平靜並保持覺知 – 所有需要的就只是這些。然後其他的都會自然而然地發生。

As long as our mind is at rest, as long as we are calm and mindful – that’s everything that is needed. Then everything else will come naturally.

