It is very sad to witness how destructive we human beings can be. At this time, it is particularly important to remember that we are also capable of great courage and compassion. On this tragic day, I offer my prayers to the victims, the perpetrators, and all those directly and indirectly harmed.
We need to find a way to use this moment to develop awareness and understanding, so that we may live our lives without fear. We need to find a way to use this moment to stand up to fear and panic, and not to succumb to it. We need to find a way to use this moment to develop compassion, and to show others that it is the lack of awareness, wisdom and compassion, manifesting as emotions, that is the real thing that we need to stand up to.
I pray that we all find a way to use this moment to respond with loving kindness, to stand up with hope in our hearts, and remember that human beings are also capable of great courage and compassion. I would like to ask all of those directly and indirectly affected by this tragedy to join in this aspiration.
(Karmapa’s statement in the aftermath of the Paris attacks)
Tread with caution, with awareness, so that at every turn where normally we might express attachment and various kinds of emotions, we instead express compassion and wisdom. If we are able to do that, then we are making the best use of the environment that we are born with.
菩提心 Bodhicitta
I think the first stage for us is to truly put all of our efforts into understanding the meaning of compassion and loving kindness, and this can only happen with the support of authentic teachers, those who also have the direct experience of these phenomena. So in this case, and even though it may present challenges on the way, now is the time we must put all of our efforts into accomplishing this part.