
karmapa-fb21101621 October
這人身是我們成熟的證明,不只是一世或兩世,或甚至一百世的事情。善獲人身需要百千世的十善道業 –
Rejoicing for Being Human
All of us are very, very mature. We should feel great in some ways, pat ourselves on the back, and rejoice because we have matured. If we hadn’t matured, we would not have this precious human rebirth.
This human rebirth is a proof that we have matured, not just for one time or two times or even hundred times. Reaching a human rebirth takes hundreds and thousands of lifetimes of efforts – all forms of generosity, ethics, everything. So therefore we have been matured for a long, long time and this is the result. With the practice of compassion, it will enhance what we have already matured, what we have already developed over time.
24 October

Why Religion and Spirituality are Essential for Our Survival
I think that without the different religions that have existed in the
world until now, if they were not there, I think that humanity and the
world itself might not have survived. This is because I think that it is
spirituality that somehow keeps the world in balance, helping us not to put too much emphasis on the material world.
(Photo/Magda Jungowska)


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