20 June
利益他人的想法是我們自然會產生的念頭。如果有好榜樣, 或有老師提醒我們這個本質,都是有幫助的。然而,它是天生固有的,所以我們很容易便會生起利益別人的念頭。
The idea of wanting to benefit others is a quality that comes very naturally to us. It always helps to have an example, to have a teacher to remind us of this quality. However, it is innately there, so it is easy for us to relate to this idea.
In terms of a practical way of engaging with this, we have to think of all sentient beings, and it starts with all those that are near or close to us. In a way it is helpful, practical, and much more effective to begin like this, to focus on the nearest individuals. Afterwards, by continuing, persisting and putting effort into maintaining that attitude, engaging in supporting others becomes easier. I think that the benefit is not only for now, not only for the moment, but it brings peace and meaning in one’s life, and at all times.
24 June
從菩薩的角度來看,我們現在所面對的困難,就是我們“偉大的老師”,就像如意寶珠一樣,因為它們幫助我們成長和進步。它們是“願望實現的挑戰”、“願望實現的老師”。我們面對的所有障礙 – 無論是在健康、身心方面,或是有關我們的收入,我們的生活 – 基本上是日常生活中的任何困難,挑戰或障礙 – 所有這一切,如果我們帶著正念面對他們,便可以幫助我們成長。
The difficulties we face can help us grow.
The difficulties that we face right now, from a Bodhisattva’s perspective, are what is known as ‘great teachers,’ like wish-fulfilling jewels, because they help us to grow and develop. They are ‘wish-fulfilling challenges,’ ‘wish-fulfilling teachers.’ All of the obstacles that we face – be it health-wise; with regard to our mental development; or concerning our income; our livelihood – well, basically any difficulties, challenges or obstacles concerning day-to-day life – all of it, if we can take it the right way, can really, really help us to grow.