Category Archives: 特別消息



9 October 2017

無論我們是不是著重靈性的人,不管我們是不是佛教徒 ,看到這些人類悲劇,這些人為的錯誤,都是可怕的。我們感到無能為力,但同時我們想要承擔責任、參與、幫助減輕苦難和解決問題。

然而,事情不是那麼簡單,因為承擔責任必然導致我們去尋找某種意義或理由,尋找誰錯誰對。我們永遠不會找到絕對的理由或解決辦法。我們可能會提出解釋、理由、過失 – 但這些都只是相對的觀點而已。


在生活中,遇到誤會和懷疑的感覺是正常的。當這些經歷出現時,我們不能試圖掩蓋或壓制它們 – 它們是不可被阻擋的。所以當它們出現時,我們應該讓它們生起,然後讓其自然消失。

我們越試圖壓抑情緒和延遲它的生起,情況會越糟糕 -情緒會愈益惡化。延遲情緒會導致真正的焦慮,結果可能是越來越嚴重的反芻思考,這樣就可能演變成為暴力。




Karmapa’s statement on the Rohingya crisis

9 October 2017

Whether we are spiritual people or not, whether we are Buddhists or not – it is terrible to witness these human tragedies, these human errors. We feel powerless, and at the same time we feel like we want to take responsibility, get involved, and help alleviate the suffering and solve the problems.

However, it is not as simple as that, because taking responsibility will inevitably lead us to search for some kind of meaning or justification, a search for who is at fault, who is in the right. We will never find an absolute justification or solution. We might come up with explanations, justifications, faults – but they will all be relative perspectives.

Rather than search for a meaning or justification, it is better to dedicate our merits and prayers to those who suffer. As practitioners, we can also train ourselves to try and recognise the harmful consequences of festering afflictive emotions, such as anger.

In life, it is normal to experience misunderstandings and doubtful feelings. When those experiences arise, we must not try to cover them up or suppress them – they are unstoppable. And so when they arise, we should let them rise on their own, and then let them fall on their own.

The more we try to resist emotions and postpone them from rising, the worse they get – they fester. It is this aspect of postponing emotions that causes real anxiety, and as a result one could ruminate more and more, and this then has the potential to transform into something violent.

In this situation people may even use the name of religion, philosophy, science or even race to justify acting on those emotions. Therefore, we must find the courage to let our emotions rise and fall naturally, just as a storm rises and sets on its own. For a storm never acts with an agenda or intention.

So, when emotions arise, we must never act upon them, for then we are caught in the storm. Instead, we can observe them, and let them settle on their own. In this way, we will help prevent any further suffering.

With prayers,

Karmapa Trinley Thaye Dorje



海上放生日期更改為10 月 29日 , 祈請夏瑪仁波切早日『乘願再來』







10 月 15 日  海上放生 ,  祈請夏瑪仁波切早日『乘願再來』

時間: 下午 2:30

船票:每位 $80
龍皇寶瓶 :每個 $800







不過,我們要繼續這條路。追隨佛陀、甘地等實踐非暴力的偉大人物的腳步,無論處境有多困難,我們必須繼續堅持非暴力的柔和力量 。






#Karmapa’s message on the Las Vegas shooting:

Dear Dharma friends,

I was saddened to learn about the Las Vegas mass shooting, which has led to at least 59 people losing their lives, and more than 500 injured.

Yesterday was the United Nations International Day of Nonviolence. And, in the face of such violent scenes, it may seem like a futile or even failing task to continue to tread a nonviolent path.

Nevertheless, we continue on our path. Following the footsteps of Buddha, Gandhi and other great beings who have led the nonviolent way, we continue to believe in the gentle power of nonviolence – no matter how hard it may feel in times like this.

I pray that we can all find the courage to respond to violence with compassion, with wisdom, and with nonviolence. In this way, we will all be helping to reduce suffering in our world, and serve all those who follow us.

Please join me in praying for the victims and all those affected by the Las Vegas incident.

With compassion

Thaye Dorje

His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa

