不要失掉追求和平的機緣 /轉向覺悟之道/修持慈悲心



We have all been born as human beings and as such we have the precious and unique opportunity to aspire to peace. Most beings wouldn’t even have this chance due to so many obstacles. So please don’t lose this opportunity to aspire for peace.






Right now, we have the conditions, we have the opportunities, we have the time, we have all the requirements to bend our thoughts towards the enlightened path.




In this ever-changing and brief, abrupt life, the only meaningful thing that we can achieve is compassion. Compassion is the only substantial thing we can leave behind for others, and it’s the only substantial thing that we can take with us. No matter how great the power, the financial fortune, the fame that we might amass, at the end of our life’s chapter, and on the journey from one life to another, compassion is the only gift that we can take with us and pass on to others
