彼此是屬於一個家庭 / 簡單來自於內心 / 菩提心的目的



All of us may not be related to each other by blood. Nevertheless, because we have a similar cause, because we all have similar aspirations and wishes, we are bound by that. We are bound by what we practice, we are bound by what we aspire to. So therefore, we are all another family for each other.






The source of simplicity comes from the heart. Whenever we are in turmoil, confusion, all kinds of difficult thoughts and circumstances arise. When we calm ourselves down, whether we are Buddhist or not, in the end we can find a middle ground where we can say that applying the simple things in our lives makes sense. In Buddhism, everything is really about making things simple, so that we can apply them in our everyday life.





The purpose of Bodhicitta is to generate a very kind and understanding intention or motivation for the benefit of all sentient beings.

