Category Archives: 特別消息

噶瑪巴 對 希瓦庫馬拉.斯瓦米吉 逝世的信息

22 January


尊貴的印度教領袖、Siddaganga Mutt的教主希瓦庫馬拉•斯瓦米吉博士的逝世,是印度精神財富的重大損失。



Karmapa’s message regarding the passing of Shivakumara Swamiji:

‘The passing in this life of the esteemed Hindu leader Dr Sri Sri Sri Shivakumara Swamiji of Siddhaganga Mutt is a great loss for the spiritual wealth of India.

While I never had the opportunity to meet with Shivakumara Swamiji, his lifelong service to helping people, particularly those who are most vulnerable, is an inspiring example for spiritual practitioners of all traditions.

In Buddhism, we pray for a long life not because we simply want to survive. We pray for longevity in order to benefit sentient beings. May we all follow the example of Shivakumara Swamiji.’




20 January 2019



在某方面,這是一個熟悉的故事 。2018年有超過2200人試圖橫渡地中海時喪失生命。我們必須永遠記住,每個人的生命都是寶貴的。每個生命都值得仁愛和慈悲以待。失去的每一個生命都值得莊嚴地緬懷。無論他們來自哪裡,無論他們的過去、宗教、種族或背景是什麼。




Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa, shares the following message regarding the recent shipwrecks in the Mediterranean.

Dear dharma friends

In the last couple of days, about 170 people have lost their lives in shipwrecks in the Mediterranean, as they sought to find somewhere where they could find safety for themselves and their families.

In some ways, this is a familiar story – more than 2200 people died trying to cross the Mediterranean in 2018. We must always remember that every human life is precious. Every human being is worthy of loving kindness and compassion. And every lost life is worthy of solemn remembrance. No matter where they are from. No matter the circumstances of their passing. No matter their religion, race or background.

We must also remember the opportunities that we have in every moment. Many of us live in countries where we have food, we have shelter, and our lives are not in immediate danger. May we appreciate this with all our hearts, and make the most of this precious opportunity.

When we pray, we pray for the enlightenment of all sentient beings. Therefore, may we all pray together for all those who search for a safer life, and for all victims of other tragedies around the world.

With compassion

Thaye Dorje
His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa

