Everything happens due to a cause, and due to that cause there is that effect. Between the cause and effect, there also need to be the conditions, so you see, all these chains of dependency. So that is another way of showing that everything is impermanent, everything is empty.
Interdependence is another way to introduce the idea of emptiness. When we talk about emptiness, it can draw a lot of confused and unwanted thoughts, fear, and all kinds of unnecessary conclusions. So that’s why another way of interpreting it, is by using the word interdependence. Because when you say ‘interdependence’, it naturally shows that there is no one separate entity that is autonomous or independent. Each of the components must depend on another and therefore there is no singular entity. This is emptiness. Everything happens due to a cause, and due to that cause there is that effect. Between the cause and effect, there also need to be the conditions, so you see, all these chains of dependency. So that is another way of showing that everything is impermanent, everything is empty.
被調服的心其本質就像虛空。當一位修行者的心被調服時 , 他或她就是開悟。修行者的心,以及經驗到的輪迴,都不復存在,就像夢一樣。
The nature of a tamed mind is like space. When a practitioner’s mind is tamed – he or she is enlightened – the practitioner’s mind, as well as all of its experiences of samsara, both cease to exist, just like a dream.
It is important to notice the words, ‘like space,’ because space is used here only as an example, and one is not referring to space itself; otherwise it could mislead practitioners into misunderstanding enlightenment as great numbness.