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We have to really rejoice and appreciate that due to our merit, due to our own sweat, due to our own strength and courage from our past lives, we have all these opportunities here now. We also have to appreciate the timeless aspirations made by all the Buddhas, all the bodhisattvas of the past, as well as the present, because it is really due to their wishes, due to their aspirations that our efforts have a result. So these two wonderful conditions have come together. This is our result, this is why all of us are here.




「我們也許不可能做到在思想言詞和行為中完全非暴力,但我們必需把非暴力作為 我們的目標穩步地向它接近。」


As the great Hindu leader Gandhiji once said,

‘We may never be strong enough to be entirely nonviolent in thought, word and deed. But we must keep nonviolence as our goal and make strong progress towards it.’

Some might say that it is easier said than done. But when we realise how closely related thinking, saying and doing are, it is better to speak a word of peace, than to say nothing at all.
