

我衷心希望看到我們的世界和平。 作為一名佛教徒學生和一名佛教徒老師,我認為和平是一種意識,完全的覺知。

儘管有時看起來充滿挑戰,但和平在我們這個時代是可以實現的。 和平是可能的,問題是如何做到。

我相信,我們可以透過我們的內在財富,即我們與生俱來的智慧和慈悲來實現和平。 無論我們是佛教徒還是非佛教徒,無論是年輕的還是年長的,我們所有人內心都有這個無限的內在財富。

因此,我們可以通過教育和誘導,幫助我們的年輕人,與推動非物質價值觀如非暴力,利用這寶庫並將這特質帶入我們的世界。 當然,這是為了所有眾生的利益。


It is my heartfelt wish to see peace in our world. As a Buddhist student and a teacher, I see peace as a state of consciousness – complete awareness.

As challenging as it may seem at times, peace is achievable in our time. Peace is possible. The question is how.

I believe that we can achieve peace by investing in our Inner Wealth, our innate values of wisdom and compassion. We all have these values, whether we are Buddhists or non-Buddhists, young or old – all of us have this limitless pool of quality, of Inner Wealth inside us.

So it is through education and literacy, supporting our young people, and promoting non-material values like non-violence that we can tap into this pool and bring this quality into our world. Of course, for the benefit of all sentient beings.

(Photo/Tokpa Korlo)
