大寶法王 分享 藏曆鐵鼠新年 之訊息

February 22, 2020
藏曆新年(Losar)是一年一度的節日,發生在農曆年末。 許多亞洲國家都會在收割莊稼,放牧牲畜和其他各種辛勤工作完成後進行慶祝活動。
要我們在這節日或任何其他節日都不要歡愉慶祝的訊息,看起來似乎很殘酷,甚至會覺得很掃興。 或可能給人的印象,是由於某些不幸的事情發生了,所以我們被要求不要歡樂喜慶。 當提倡用宗教或修行來代替興高采烈的慶祝時,這可能會使心情更加沉悶!
親愛的法友們,我希望當我呼籲你們用修行代替這一年的慶祝活動時,並不會引起這種感覺。 毫無疑問,對很多同修藏曆新年不是他們的文化。 然而,隨著時間,他們也與藏傳佛教的傳統建立了聯繫,許多人會對藏曆新年有一份情感。因此,我想藉此分享對這節日的一些想法。
任何形式的慶祝都應該令人愉快的。 但是,當某種東西或任何東西,強加諸我們時,反抗的情緒便會生起。 當然,很難強迫別人歡樂。 通常在社會中,試圖強迫快樂,似乎是導致焦慮或痛苦的許多原因之一。 動機可能是好的,但手法卻缺乏技巧。 然而,佛法的實踐本身就是善巧。
我們生命中的每一刻都是值得慶祝的。 就算活動看起來是多麼平凡,無論是洗碗、修剪樹木還是散步,每時每刻都是慶祝。縱使活動看起來是多麼重要,無論是醫學突破、國家統治、育兒還是教授學生,每時每刻都是慶祝。 殊勝佛法的實踐,能令我們體會到每分每刻都是慶祝。
那就沒有必要強迫我們自己要喜悅。 這樣,每一天都會是藏曆新年。
Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa, shares the following message on the occasion of Losar, and the birth of the Year of the Male Metal Rat: 
Dear dharma friends
Losar is an annual holiday that takes place at the end of the lunar year cycle. Many Asian countries celebrate it after their yearly harvest of crops, herding of animals and other hard work of all kinds. 
Any message that suggests that we do away with merriment on this occasion, or any other occasion, might seem grim, or that it is somehow spoiling the fun. It might give the impression that we are being asked to renounce cheer because of some occurrence of misfortune. When a religion or religious practice is advocated to replace an occasion of cheer, it may make the mood even more dull!
I hope that such an atmosphere won’t be induced when I ask of you, dear dharma friends, to practice instead of celebrating this annual festivity. No doubt there will be many fellow practitioners for whom ‘Losar’ is not part of their culture. Yet, over the course of time, having developed a connection with the Tibetan Buddhist traditions, many feel an association with the Asian sentiment of Losar. Therefore, I’d like to take this opportunity to share some thoughts on this occasion. 
Celebrations of any kind are supposed to be enjoyable. However, when something – or anything – is forced upon us, resisting emotions seem to rise. It’s difficult to force someone to enjoy themselves, of course. Often in societies, trying to force joy seems to be one of the many causes of anxiety or dukkha. The intention may be noble, but the means are somewhat lacking in skill. The practice of the Buddha dharma, however, is supposed to be that skilful means. 
Every moment of our life is celebratable. No matter how mundane an activity may seem, whether it is washing dishes, pruning trees, or walking, each and every moment is a celebration. No matter how important an activity may seem, whether it is discovering medical breakthroughs, governing a nation, parenting children or teaching students, each and every moment is a celebration. The precious practice of the Buddha dharma is the means by which our aspiration to witness these moments may be fulfilled. 
The more we try to develop a relationship with the practice of the Buddha dharma, the smoother and more graceful it will be to go with the flow of change, to live with impermanence. 
Then there is no need to force joy on ourselves. Then, every day is a Losar.
With compassion
Thaye Dorje
His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa
