洽美仁波切的開示 : 當一個人快要往生時,該怎麼辦?

Q: What should one do when one is almost passing away?
I think the question should start with, How should we live? And how should we die?
If we live a life with content, being happy with what we have and not having desire to have more; to see everyone as a friend and to be kind; to be a good example and influence people with positiveness…. this is how we should live.
One should also gain knowledge, wisdom and experience from the experiences life gives us. If that is how we live life then one should not have not much problem dying


我認為問題應該從「我們應如何生活」開始? 那我們就會怎樣往生?
如果我們過著知足和愉快的生活,對自己擁有的東西感到滿足,而又不需要擁有更多的東西; 視每個人都像朋友,並且友善對待;自己能以身作則,成為一個好榜樣,並以積極的態度影響別人。這就是我們應該如何生活的方式。