


寧靜和混亂是密不可分的。 我們許多人過著相對舒適的生活,從未經歷過在掙扎求存中經常見到的深層連結。因此,當我們為苦難的結束及其根源祈禱時,我們不會將苦難標 籤為「壞」或「好」,因為我們無法體會受苦難的人所獲得的洞察、領悟,甚至在悲傷和傷心欲絕中,可以播下無限愛的種子。


In life, it is often our greatest challenges that lead to the deepest devotion. The tragic death of the great master Gampopa’s wife and children, and his devotion to the Buddha dharma, are indivisible. Just as the loss of the great master Milarepa’s family and home, and his spirituality, are also intertwined.

Peace and chaos are inseparable. Many of us who live in relative comfort may never experience the deep bond that is so often seen in stories of resilience and survival. So while we pray for the end of suffering and its causes, we do not label suffering as ‘bad’ or ‘good’ for we can see that those who suffer may have insights that we cannot experience, and that even in the midst of tragedy and heartbreak, the seed of limitless love can be sown.


(Photo/Tokpa Korlo)
