六月初四 佛陀初轉法輪



在這殊勝日,於KIBI佛學院將會舉行酥油燈供佛儀式,隨後是釋迦牟尼佛法會(藏語: thub wang cho ga)。 積累的功德藉著《普賢行願品》回向給一切眾生,尤其回向給Covid-19 冠狀病毒疫情能盡速平息。


After Buddha, the Great Compassionate One had achieved full enlightenment, the kings of the gods, Indra and Brahma approached and invoked him to turn the wheel of Dharma for the sake of sentient beings. Thus, on the 4th day of the 6th month of the Tibetan calendar, Buddha gave the teaching on the Four Noble Truths at Deer Park, Varanasi to a gathering of suitable vessels. This fortunate audience consisted mainly of the retinue of the five first disciples, gods and humans.

On this holiday, an offering of the butterlamps will be performed at KIBI, followed by the Ritual of the Buddha Shakyamuni(thub wang cho ga). The merit accumulated hereby will be dedicated with the Samantabadhra prayer to all beings, and in particular to the pacification of the Covid-19 disease.

Please join us with well wishes!