Karmapa ‘s teaching (August 31 at 3:53 PM )

Karmapa ‘s teaching (August 31 at 3:53 PM )


Meditations for our Times: my altar where my Buddhas sway here and there

禪修時間: 佛壇遍滿諸佛法界

Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa, continues to respond to students’ questions, this time on the proper understanding of all the colourful ‘forms’ and elaborate visualisations we have in Vajrayana.

聖陛下 第十七世大寶法王 嘉華噶瑪巴 泰耶多傑,繼續回答弟子的問題,這次關於正確認識金剛乘中所有色彩繽紛的「形相 」和說明當中的觀想

If there is a purpose for these colourful ‘forms’, I see it as similar to child’s play, in the most genuine and respectful way.  


Children do all sorts of things that don’t make sense to adults.


They pull funny faces.


They run and crawl like wild animals.


They produce screeching noises that are beyond our imitation.


We as adults, no matter how noble or sophisticated we think we are, deep down we are curious about children, as if they are some sort of aliens.


Curious about how these little beings can be that way.


Beneath our uptight demeanours, we would like to tread the children’s path.


But we dare not. No, no!!

但是我們不敢。 不可以、 不可以

That would be foolish, we think.


That would be embarrassing.


We would lose our dignity and divinity. How truly childish of us!


Granted, caring for the feelings of others is a code-like discipline for Bodhisattvas.


Bodhisattvas do respect society. That’s why, in general, Bodhisattvas carry themselves in society in a humble way.


It’s important not to mistake this point to mean that Bodhisattvas suppress their feelings in any way. They see that there is nothing inherent to suppress, so it is not a question of them feeling embarrassed if they were to express themselves openly.  However, they behave respectfully and humbly out of care for others who may still have such notions and inhibitions.  But at least to themselves, the way they feel about themselves does not need to be restricted.

切勿誤解這意思為菩薩會用任何方式去壓抑感受。他們內心本來就沒什麼可壓抑,所以公然表達自己根本不會尷尬。 不過,考慮到旁人或抱持這想法和顧忌,會表現尊重和謙卑。但至少對他們來說,面對自己的感受是無須受到束縛。

So perhaps the benefit of practicing Buddhism is that the methods of all of the yanas have the quality to liberate our own selves to be childish.


That’s the purpose of these practices, without a set goal.


That’s why, whether these colourful methods are colourfulor not, to me they are interesting.


There are no set goals to come into contact with the Divine – such as the Buddhas – through mystical means.


Such means are not even mystical – they are just playful, childish means, if you like, to let go of our self-clinging.


Just look at what the trees are doing, and at what the clouds are doing – you just can’t ascribe a purpose to their play.

單憑看這些樹和那些雲在做什麼 你無法給它做的事賦予目的。

That’s what genuine meditators see.


They see them as guidelines.


We don’t have to be worried that we will somehow lose our Buddhist essence if we open up to our own self.


Seemingly pleasant experiences are not goals to hang on to.


No children do that.


They look like they enjoy one thing, and in the very next moment they move on to another.


Even if we feel that we have gained an idea about what they like to experience, that idea can’t really be re-used to please them, because they aren’t dependent on those pleasant experiences as a set goal.


Palaces of light – aren’t such points of view interesting?

光的宮殿 這觀點不是挺有趣嗎?

Palaces made of sand – or rather, ‘palaces of sand’, not ‘made of sand’, are truly palaces of light.

沙壇城 者更確切地說沙的殿宮而不是沙造的,卻是真正光的宮殿。

They are as bright and vivid as they can ever get.


Light and holographic, they can’t be grasped.


If you do grasp them, however, they vanish into miniature dunes.


That’s exactly what these visualisations and methods are like: they can’t be touched, even though they seem catchable.


That’s why or how we practice, gently guiding the sand into shapes, without fixed motives, letting them settle in whichever form they take, then letting them be.

這就是我們練習的原因和方法,在沒有固定的動機下, 溫柔地引導沙成形, 讓它以任何形式安頓,然後就順其自然。

To practice such methods in the comfort of our home or in our literal or symbolic caves.


Caves carved by this pandemic, if you will.


Boundaries that have no real boundary.


We meditate, we sync with the flow of our karma as day and night flows.


As the hours and the minutes and the seconds tick by.


To see how creative or fluid we can become.


Without the worries to save others and ourselves, yet saving nonetheless, by not saving as a solid set goal.

救渡別人和自己時須無顧慮(以平等心看待),盡管未能如意 ,也以不捨棄救渡眾生為目標。

Maybe this is the way that you and I can understand these colourful means.
