在我們噶瑪噶舉派歷史上,第三世噶瑪巴讓烱多傑 (Rangjung Dorje的)(1284-1339)發起了一年一度祈願法會。 其後,在第七世噶瑪巴確札嘉措(1454-1506)期間,法會成為西藏最著名的佛教盛事之一。
來自世界各地的尊貴僧眾與在家修行人於法會中聚首一堂,為所有眾生的遠近利益和安樂,作無量無邊的祈願、祈禱與回向。 迄今為止,這個為期七天於十二月在印度的菩提迦耶舉辦的傳統,是在一棵非常殊勝的菩提樹下進行,一千零二尊佛為利益一切有情故,在此非常殊勝的菩提樹下證得無上正等正覺。 每次的盛會聚集來自世界各地成千上萬的僧尼、在家修行者和信徒在菩提迦耶進行祈願法會。 但是,由於Covid-19造成了前所未有的疫情,今年的祈願法會將在環境安全的印度和尼泊爾寺廟中進行,而不是僧俗二眾聚集於菩提迦耶。
今年,在印度和尼泊爾舉行的噶舉祈願法會是由第十七世大寶法王嘉華噶瑪巴泰耶多傑私人贊助。 與大寶法王共同贊助印度噶舉祈願法會和尼泊爾噶舉祈願法會,分別由Katherine Cheng夫人和Ibu Dewi Kam夫人。
我們衷心感謝Katherine Cheng 夫人和 Ibu Dewi Kam夫人共同贊助今年噶舉祈願法會,使我們能夠在寺廟和佛學院的安全環境中,延續這一年一度的傳統,也因此能將法會直播到我們家中。她們的慷慨解囊使我們尊貴的僧伽可以全心全意專注於祈願和回向。
Karmapa International Buddhist Society, New DelhiKarmae Sangha Rumtek Monastery, RumtekNedo Chedu Choekhorling Monastery, RumtekKarma Chokhor Dechen Ling Nunnery, RumtekKarma Tarjay Chokhorling Monastery, BodhgayaRey Mindu Tempen Ka-ten Namgyal Ling Monastery, SikkimKarma Dupgyud Choeling Monastery, LadakhKarma Chagchen Jampaling Nunnery, LadakhDiwakar Buddhist Academy, KalimpongDiwakar Buddhist School, TakdahTilopa Buddhist Institute, Tilokpur
Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling Monastery, KathmanduDhagpo Sheydrub Ling Monastery, NalaKarma Ngedhon Osal Choekhorling, KathmanduSangye Choeling Monastery, KathmanduBuddhist Nunnery School, KathmanduSharminub Institute, KathmanduDhuldarling, KathmanduKarma Raj Mahavihara, KathmanduLhundrup Choling Monastery, KathmanduTrungram Gumba (Dhakten Nyincheling), KathmanduTrungram Nunnery, KathmanduKarma Dubgyu Chokorling, PokharaMila Kagyu Ling Mahaboudha Gumba, NawalpurKarma Theksum Choiling Monastery, PokharaJangchub Choeling Monastery, PokharaKagyu Institute for Buddhist Studies, Kirtipur, KathmanduTharpa Choeling Nunnery, Muktinath, Mustang
The Private Office of the Karmapa shares the following message in advance of the 2020 Kagyu Monlam:
In our Karma Kagyu School, it was historically the third Karmapa Rangjung Dorje (1284-1339) who initiated the yearly Monlam gathering.
Later, during the time of the seventh Karmapa Chodrag Gyamtso (1454-1506), it became one of the most prominent Buddhist gatherings in Tibet.
This year’s Kagyu Monlam will be the 18th gathering since its initiation in our time by the late His Holiness 14th Kunzig Shamar Rinpoche in 1994. The first of these Monlams was held at Lumbini, and all the following ones, from 1996 onwards, in Bodhgaya.
During these occasions, the venerable monastic Sanghas and lay practitioners from around the world gather to conduct limitless aspirations, prayers and dedications for the immediate and far reaching benefits and wellbeing of all sentient beings.
To date, this practice has been held during the month of December for seven days in Bodhgaya, India, under the very Bodhi tree where all 1002 Buddhas of this Fortunate Aeon complete their awakening for the benefit of all sentient beings.
During each of these occasions, thousands of monks, nuns, lay practitioners and devotees from around the world came together in Bodhgaya to conduct these Monlam prayers.
However, this year – due to the unprecedented pandemic caused by Covid-19 – instead of assembling the venerable Sanghas, lay practitioners and devotees at Bodhgaya, the Monlam prayers will be conducted in the safe environments of the monasteries in India and Nepal.
The number of monks and nuns performing and participating in each monastery for Monlam Prayers 2020 are in accordance with local COVID rules and regulations.
This year, the Kagyu Monlam prayers in India and Nepal are personally sponsored by Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa.
For India, the Kagyu Monlam is co-sponsored by Mrs. Katherine Cheng and for Nepal the Kagyu Monlam is co-sponsored by Mrs. Ibu Dewi Kam.
With heartfelt appreciation, we are deeply grateful to Mrs. Katherine Cheng and Mrs. Ibu Dewi Kam for co-sponsoring this year’s Kagyu Monlam, thus helping to uphold the continuum of this yearly event in the safe environment of our monasteries and institutes and through live streaming to our homes. Their generous sponsorship makes it possible for our Venerable Sanghas to wholeheartedly conduct these practices without interruption and focus solely on the practice of these aspirations and dedications.
The monasteries and institutes holding Kagyu Monlams in India:
Karmapa International Buddhist Society, New DelhiKarmae Sangha Rumtek Monastery, RumtekNedo Chedu Choekhorling Monastery, RumtekKarma Chokhor Dechen Ling Nunnery, RumtekKarma Tarjay Chokhorling Monastery, BodhgayaRey Mindu Tempen Ka-ten Namgyal Ling Monastery, SikkimKarma Dupgyud Choeling Monastery, LadakhKarma Chagchen Jampaling Nunnery, LadakhDiwakar Buddhist Academy, KalimpongDiwakar Buddhist School, TakdahTilopa Buddhist Institute, Tilokpur
The monasteries and institutes holding Kagyu Monlams in Nepal:
Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling Monastery, KathmanduDhagpo Sheydrub Ling Monastery, NalaKarma Ngedhon Osal Choekhorling, KathmanduSangye Choeling Monastery, KathmanduBuddhist Nunnery School, KathmanduSharminub Institute, KathmanduDhuldarling, KathmanduKarma Raj Mahavihara, KathmanduLhundrup Choling Monastery, KathmanduTrungram Gumba (Dhakten Nyincheling), KathmanduTrungram Nunnery, KathmanduKarma Dubgyu Chokorling, PokharaMila Kagyu Ling Mahaboudha Gumba, NawalpurKarma Theksum Choiling Monastery, PokharaJangchub Choeling Monastery, PokharaKagyu Institute for Buddhist Studies, Kirtipur, KathmanduTharpa Choeling Nunnery, Muktinath, Mustang
Karmapa says,
‘May this auspicious occasion create and strengthen the root and expression of merit and virtue for our personal and collective wellbeing. May seeds of harmony and wisdom be sown and nurtured, which in turn through the interdependency of all apparent phenomena will have a positive influence on outer circumstances, be it epidemics, war, famines or natural disasters.
May our aspirations help to preserve and strengthen the Dharma, which was conveyed by Buddha Shakyamuni more than 2500 years ago. May we recognise and appreciate its universal applicability and goodness in all areas of existence.’
(Photos: Thule / Tokpa Korlo / Norbu Zangpo)
(Source: https://www.karmapa.org/message-in-advance-of-the-2020-kagyu-monlam/)