2020年噶舉祈願法會已圓滿結束, 我懷著非常高興和感謝的心情來寫這訊息。 自1994年由已故第十四世昆津夏瑪仁波切於我們這年代發起祈願 法會以來,此次爲第18屆法會。
有賴我們尊貴的僧伽、仁波切、喇嘛、比丘、比丘尼、在家修行者、 義工和贊助者的付出和努力,以及佛菩薩的加持, 我們得以安全地舉行眾多祈願法會, 並能直接將法會進行直播帶進世界各地的學生家中。
我想藉此機會親自感謝那些直接參與這為了利益眾生的無限祈願、 祈禱和回向直播法會的人士:
• Khenpo Lekshey
• Tshering Dorje
• Daniel Lin
• Magda Jungowska
• Stephan Grallert
• Knut Jelden
• Philipp Mohrenweiser
• Paul Partington
. 眾多技術人員、義工、攝影師以及其他幕後工作人員
顯然在祈願法會過程中, 超過140萬分鐘的念誦祈禱透過面書Facebook 傳播得而收聽,念誦的每分每秒都能使眾生受益。
因此, 我也衷心感謝你們所有人和親愛的法友們的參與和不斷的修持。
我希望以下照片可以帶給大家2020 噶舉祈願法會一些印象,就如它們之前也在世界各地分享過一樣。
Dear dharma friends
It is with great joy and appreciation that I write to you following the successful completion of the 2020 Kagyu Monlam, the 18th gathering since its initiation in our time by the late His Holiness 14th Kunzig Shamar Rinpoche in 1994.
Due to the dedication and efforts of our venerable Sanghas, our Rinpoches, lamas, monks, nuns, lay practitioners, volunteers and sponsors, as well as the blessings of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, we were able to safely host numerous Monlams and stream them directly to students’ homes around the world.
I would like to take this opportunity to personally thank those directly involved in streaming these limitless aspirations, prayers and dedications for the benefit of all sentient beings:
• Khenpo Lekshey
• Tshering Dorje
• Daniel Lin
• Magda Jungowska
• Stephan Grallert
• Knut Jelden
• Philipp Mohrenweiser
• Paul Partington
• The many technicians, volunteers, photographers and others working in the background
Apparently, more than 1.4 million minutes of prayers were listened to on Facebook over the course of the Monlam. Every second of every minute will benefit sentient beings.
Therefore, I would like to also offer my heartfelt thanks to all of you, dear dharma friends, for your participation and continued practice.
Students can listen again to the Monlam prayers on the streaming page https://www.karmapa.org/live- stream-kagyu-monlam-2020/.
I hope the following photos give a small impression of the Kagyu Monlam 2020, as it was experienced around the world.
With prayers
Thaye Dorje
His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa