第十七世大寶法王嘉華噶瑪巴泰耶多傑,於2021 年噶舉祈願法會圓滿結束後,分享以下訊息
2021 年噶舉祈願法會圓滿結束後,我懷著喜悅和感激的心情寫這訊息給你們。噶舉祈願法會自 1994 年起,由已故第 十四 世昆津夏瑪仁波切於我們這時代發起以來,今年已是第十九屆。
Khenpo Lekshey
Stephan Grallert
Daniel Lin
Knut Jelden
Tokpa Korlo
Bart Mendel
Magda Jungowska
Paul Partington
今年的噶舉祈願法會由Thaye Dorje Foundation (TDF), South Asia Buddhist Association (SABA), Karmapa Charitable Trust (KCT) and Timeless Charity Foundation Limited (TCF)合力贊助舉辦。
Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa, shares this message after the 2021 Kagyu Monlam.
Dear Dharma friends,
It is with joy and appreciation that I write to you, following the successful completion of the 2021 Kagyu Monlam, the 19th such gathering since its initiation in our time by His Holiness the late 14th Kunzig Shamar Rinpoche in 1994.
Due to the boundless blessings of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas and the dedication and enthusiasm of our venerable Sanghas, Rinpoches, lamas, monks, nuns, lay practitioners and volunteers, we were once again able to safely host numerous Monlams at our various monasteries and institutes both in the East and the West.
My gratitude goes to all the individuals who made it possible to provide live streaming directly from Rumtek, due to which all the students around the world were able to join in these limitless aspirations, prayers and dedications for the benefit of all sentient beings.
I would like to thank the following individuals:
Khenpo Lekshey
Stephan Grallert
Daniel Lin
Knut Jelden
Tokpa Korlo
Bart Mendel
Magda Jungowska
Paul Partington
The many technicians, volunteers, photographers and others working in the background.
This year’s Kagyu Monlam was organized and sponsored by the Thaye Dorje Foundation (TDF), South Asia Buddhist Association (SABA), Karmapa Charitable Trust (KCT) and Timeless Charity Foundation Limited (TCF).
Most importantly, I would like to offer my heartfelt thanks to all of you, dear Dharma friends and practitioners all over the world, for your participation and your continued practice.
All those who wish to listen to and watch the Monlam prayers again can do so on the streaming page.
I hope that the following photos will give a small impression of the Kagyu Monlam 2021, as it was experienced around the world.
With prayers
Thaye Dorje,
His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa