All posts by 妙境佛學會



9 October 2017

無論我們是不是著重靈性的人,不管我們是不是佛教徒 ,看到這些人類悲劇,這些人為的錯誤,都是可怕的。我們感到無能為力,但同時我們想要承擔責任、參與、幫助減輕苦難和解決問題。

然而,事情不是那麼簡單,因為承擔責任必然導致我們去尋找某種意義或理由,尋找誰錯誰對。我們永遠不會找到絕對的理由或解決辦法。我們可能會提出解釋、理由、過失 – 但這些都只是相對的觀點而已。


在生活中,遇到誤會和懷疑的感覺是正常的。當這些經歷出現時,我們不能試圖掩蓋或壓制它們 – 它們是不可被阻擋的。所以當它們出現時,我們應該讓它們生起,然後讓其自然消失。

我們越試圖壓抑情緒和延遲它的生起,情況會越糟糕 -情緒會愈益惡化。延遲情緒會導致真正的焦慮,結果可能是越來越嚴重的反芻思考,這樣就可能演變成為暴力。




Karmapa’s statement on the Rohingya crisis

9 October 2017

Whether we are spiritual people or not, whether we are Buddhists or not – it is terrible to witness these human tragedies, these human errors. We feel powerless, and at the same time we feel like we want to take responsibility, get involved, and help alleviate the suffering and solve the problems.

However, it is not as simple as that, because taking responsibility will inevitably lead us to search for some kind of meaning or justification, a search for who is at fault, who is in the right. We will never find an absolute justification or solution. We might come up with explanations, justifications, faults – but they will all be relative perspectives.

Rather than search for a meaning or justification, it is better to dedicate our merits and prayers to those who suffer. As practitioners, we can also train ourselves to try and recognise the harmful consequences of festering afflictive emotions, such as anger.

In life, it is normal to experience misunderstandings and doubtful feelings. When those experiences arise, we must not try to cover them up or suppress them – they are unstoppable. And so when they arise, we should let them rise on their own, and then let them fall on their own.

The more we try to resist emotions and postpone them from rising, the worse they get – they fester. It is this aspect of postponing emotions that causes real anxiety, and as a result one could ruminate more and more, and this then has the potential to transform into something violent.

In this situation people may even use the name of religion, philosophy, science or even race to justify acting on those emotions. Therefore, we must find the courage to let our emotions rise and fall naturally, just as a storm rises and sets on its own. For a storm never acts with an agenda or intention.

So, when emotions arise, we must never act upon them, for then we are caught in the storm. Instead, we can observe them, and let them settle on their own. In this way, we will help prevent any further suffering.

With prayers,

Karmapa Trinley Thaye Dorje



利益他人的想法 / 面對困難有助我們成長

20 June


利益他人的想法是我們自然會產生的念頭。如果有好榜樣, 或有老師提醒我們這個本質,都是有幫助的。然而,它是天生固有的,所以我們很容易便會生起利益別人的念頭。



The idea of wanting to benefit others is a quality that comes very naturally to us. It always helps to have an example, to have a teacher to remind us of this quality. However, it is innately there, so it is easy for us to relate to this idea.

In terms of a practical way of engaging with this, we have to think of all sentient beings, and it starts with all those that are near or close to us. In a way it is helpful, practical, and much more effective to begin like this, to focus on the nearest individuals. Afterwards, by continuing, persisting and putting effort into maintaining that attitude, engaging in supporting others becomes easier. I think that the benefit is not only for now, not only for the moment, but it brings peace and meaning in one’s life, and at all times.


24 June


從菩薩的角度來看,我們現在所面對的困難,就是我們“偉大的老師”,就像如意寶珠一樣,因為它們幫助我們成長和進步。它們是“願望實現的挑戰”、“願望實現的老師”。我們面對的所有障礙 – 無論是在健康、身心方面,或是有關我們的收入,我們的生活 – 基本上是日常生活中的任何困難,挑戰或障礙 – 所有這一切,如果我們帶著正念面對他們,便可以幫助我們成長。


The difficulties we face can help us grow.

The difficulties that we face right now, from a Bodhisattva’s perspective, are what is known as ‘great teachers,’ like wish-fulfilling jewels, because they help us to grow and develop. They are ‘wish-fulfilling challenges,’ ‘wish-fulfilling teachers.’ All of the obstacles that we face – be it health-wise; with regard to our mental development; or concerning our income; our livelihood – well, basically any difficulties, challenges or obstacles concerning day-to-day life – all of it, if we can take it the right way, can really, really help us to grow.



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不過,我們要繼續這條路。追隨佛陀、甘地等實踐非暴力的偉大人物的腳步,無論處境有多困難,我們必須繼續堅持非暴力的柔和力量 。






#Karmapa’s message on the Las Vegas shooting:

Dear Dharma friends,

I was saddened to learn about the Las Vegas mass shooting, which has led to at least 59 people losing their lives, and more than 500 injured.

Yesterday was the United Nations International Day of Nonviolence. And, in the face of such violent scenes, it may seem like a futile or even failing task to continue to tread a nonviolent path.

Nevertheless, we continue on our path. Following the footsteps of Buddha, Gandhi and other great beings who have led the nonviolent way, we continue to believe in the gentle power of nonviolence – no matter how hard it may feel in times like this.

I pray that we can all find the courage to respond to violence with compassion, with wisdom, and with nonviolence. In this way, we will all be helping to reduce suffering in our world, and serve all those who follow us.

Please join me in praying for the victims and all those affected by the Las Vegas incident.

With compassion

Thaye Dorje

His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa



業力/ 作一個良好的榜樣






10 June

#Karmapa explains Karma:

When causes and conditions come together, then it produces a result. That is the mechanism. If those conditions are not met or not proper, for example if there is no seed, or if there is a rotten seed, no matter how much you try to bring in positive conditions, such as by trying to give sunlight, water or fertiliser, it will never work.

So there has to be a seed and also the proper conditions are required. When all the things are there, then it works, it is flawless, it is inevitable. In the whole of the universe, it is the greatest law.






#Karmapa: Be a good example

We all have a child nature inside us, no matter what stage of life we are in. When we say to a child ‘go to sleep,’ of course it doesn’t work. Instead, children will learn actually mostly through watching what others do, how others walk, talk, behave and express. They are always watching. This is why, no matter where we are in life’s journey, since we still have this kind of child nature in us, all it takes for that person to change is for them to see a good example. And then the habit takes over and they want to mimic and imitate that. So if we wish for something or someone to change, we have to be a good example.




September 21, 2017








#Karmapa’s message on the UN International Day of Peace:

Dear dharma friends

Only when our mind is calm can we create the fertile conditions for peace to flourish.

And when we take some time to examine the mind, we can see that peace is not something abstract that is ‘out there,’ but it is ‘in here,’ in the here and now.

Peace is, like compassion and wisdom, part of our innate nature, our Inner Wealth. It is not to be created, but discovered and nurtured.

On this United Nations International Day of Peace, may we all take some time to reflect on the nature of our minds. By doing so, we will naturally fertilise the innate seed of peace, first in our hearts, and then for all sentient beings.

With prayers
Thaye Dorje
His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa



September 21, 2017









September 21, 2017

Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa, offers the following letter of condolence following this week’s earthquake in Mexico.

Dear dharma friends

I am writing to you following this week’s earthquake in Mexico, in which at least 230 people have lost their lives.

As the search for survivors continues, let us hold in our hearts the victims, their loved ones, and all those affected.

It is quite difficult to find the right words amid such moments of grief – and so we offer our humble silence, and pray for the end of all suffering.

With prayers and compassion

Thaye Dorje

His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa


內在財富一詞 / 當你感到迷惘和困惑時 / 不要對自己太嚴苛

2 June




Inner Wealth is a term used to describe your innate values of compassion and wisdom.

Compassion and wisdom might seem to belong to spirituality and have nothing to do with wealth. However, we are so used to connecting wealth to material resources that we have lost sight of its relevance for other things like loving kindness and other non-material values.


8 June



當然,還有無數的偉人向我們示現了許多 – 實際上是他們人生的每一步。所以只要經常翻閲他們的故事,就能啟發我們有所領悟。


#Karmapa – what to do when you feel lost and confused

Whenever you feel a little bit confused and lost, always go back to the teachings, always go back to the practice. And it also helps to also revisit the life stories of great Bodhisattvas, great beings, such as that of the Great Marpa, the Great Mila and the Great Gampopa. Those are great examples.

Of course, there are countless other great beings who have shown us so much – actually every step of the way. So just brushing up on their life stories from time to time will help us develop inspiration.


14 June



#Karmapa: don’t be too hard on yourself

While carrying out all our tasks, we need to accept that life is changing, life is fragile. We need to accept the conditions and carry our responsibilities, not by putting great pressure on ourselves but by accepting the simple facts, and then striving to live one moment at a time.







Dear dharma friends,

Soon I will be departing for my third visit to the Kuching Karma Kagyu Dharma Society. I went there for the first time in late 1999, during my first tour abroad, and then once again in late 2006.
I share this message in the hope that many dharma friends will be able to join me for my 2017 visit.
Kuching Karma Kagyu Dharma Society is one of our oldest centres – in fact, the first seed for it was planted by none other than my predecessor, Ranjung Rigpey Dorje, His Holiness the 16th Gyalwa Karmapa, when he visited Kuching in 1980. Soon to follow was a visit by my late teacher, His Holiness Shamar Rinpoche. This eventually led to the official registration of the first Karma Kagyu centre in Sarawak in 1984.
I have known many of the members of the centre for many, many years, and during my past two visits, I have felt inspired by their genuine devotion and faith in the Buddha dharma. I look forward to meeting all of these old dharma friends again, as well as connecting with many new ones.
I am particularly pleased that the programme will include the first Kagyu Monlam ever to be held in Kuching.
The practice of the Kagyu Monlam focuses on making aspirations together. We will recite various aspiration prayers composed by great realised beings, with a particular emphasis on Samantabhadra’s King of Aspiration Prayers. Aspirations are very powerful, because they go to the depths of our consciousness. Though we all wish and aspire for many things, it is not common for us to do so with full awareness.
In fact, most of us are not really aware of the power of aspirations, or how to utilise them effectively. If we are able to utilise this tool properly, we will be able to accomplish our daily needs and wishes, and contribute to peace and good conditions for ourselves and all other beings. More than that, aspirations will eventually help us to understand our own nature better, and to recognise our kind and loving nature. I am truly glad that we will be able to engage in this wonderful practice together, and it is my hope and wish that many students will make use of this opportunity by joining in these accumulations.



28 August











May all sentient beings be free from suffering and the causes of suffering’

#Karmapa’s message on the South Asian floods:

Dear dharma friends

The South Asia floods have claimed hundreds of lives and affected millions of people throughout India, Nepal, and Bangladesh, leaving them exposed to food shortages, disease and lack of shelter.

There is an ongoing humanitarian crisis, with children particularly vulnerable to the effects of the floods.

I will be making a charitable donation to support the humanitarian efforts, and I ask all of my students to offer what they can.

Whether or not you are able to offer any material resources for this cause, your spiritual resources in the form of prayers will have great benefit.

May all sentient beings be free from suffering and the causes of suffering.

With compassion

The 17th Karmapa Trinley Thaye Dorje



August 18, 2017






August 18, 2017

Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa, shares the following message regarding yesterday’s tragic incident in Barcelona.

Dear dharma friends
As I arrived here in Spain to offer dharma teachings, I learned about the incident in the Las Ramblas area of Barcelona, where innocent people have lost their lives.

When natural disasters, and wholly unnatural disasters like this occur, it is very challenging to see any hope in such circumstances.

As this country grieves, let us all join in prayer for the victims, their loved ones, and for the whole of Spain. The very act of praying together is a source of hope.

With compassion

Thaye Dorje
His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa



12 August, 2017






August 12, 2017

Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa, shares this statement following today’s news of the tragic incident in Uttar Pradesh.

Dharma friends

I have just learned about the passing of at least 60 babies at a hospital in Uttar Pradesh in Northern India.

I am not a parent, and so it is impossible for me to understand what the families must be going through.

Having said that, I offer my heartfelt prayers for all of those suffering as a result of this tragedy, and I ask all of my students to offer their prayers as well.

With compassion

Thaye Dorje

His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa




August 11, 2017





在格勒諾布爾的教學行程完畢後,噶瑪巴將造訪在西班牙馬拉加的噶瑪根(Karma Guen)中心,這是噶瑪巴2017年歐洲弘法之旅的最後一站。

Karmapa invites Sangyumla to join him in Grenoble

August 11, 2017

Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa, is delighted that his wife Sangyumla and members of her family are able to join him for teachings in Grenoble, France, as part of his European tour.

Following an extensive teaching schedule in Sweden and Spain, Karmapa arrived in France this week to start six days of teachings in Grenoble, at the invitation of Lama Teunsang and students in Montchardon.

On the first day of Karmapa’s teachings, on the subject of the meaning of taking refuge in the Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha, Sangyumla joined the thousands of students present.

Karmapa says:

It is an auspicious opportunity to be here with Lama Teunsang and so many Dharma friends from Montchardon, France and the rest of Europe.
I am of course very pleased that Sangyumla and her family are able to join these teachings, and that we do not have to wait until Bodh Gaya in December to all be together to share in the precious teachings of the Buddha Dharma.’

Following Karmapa’s teaching schedule in Grenoble, he will visit Karma Guen in Malaga, Spain, the last leg of Karmapa’s 2017 European teaching tour.

