All posts by 妙境佛學會


16 January 2023 於新德里












Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa, shares the following message on the passing of His Eminence Luding Khenchen Rinpoche.

Dear Dharma friends,

The supreme Luding Khenchen of Ngor, Dorje Chang Jamyang Tenpei Nyima, has entered Parinirvana.

As is the case with great Bodhisattvas, this departure-like display of the resorption of their Nirmanakaya into the Dharmadhatu is a skilful method applied for our sake, and stemming from none other than their Bodhicitta or Bodhi heart.

The feeling of sorrow we experience due to this Parinirvana is natural and in no way wrong. The blessings of such great Bodhisattvas have the power to wake us up from our delusion of permanence, and push us to seek the path of the Bodhisattvas – the practice of the Buddha Dharma.

Therefore, we must not hinder ourselves from this experience of sorrow. Yet, we should also not let this sorrow be tainted by our afflictive emotions, such as feeling lost and alone in this world. Instead, we must allow this sorrow to open our heart to realise that there is nothing to hold on to in this cyclic world.

Nevertheless, from my humble recollection of the life example of this glorious and precious teacher, I meditate his enlightened presence at the centre of the mandala of my prayers, and in thisway draw his blessings into each of our hearts.

All of our monastic communities are performing prayers and rituals and trying to live their spiritual lives to the best of their abilities, so as to fulfil the intent of the aspirations of the teacher.

It is our fortune to have had the opportunity to be able to receive teachings, initiations, and instructions from a being like him – a spiritual master who is in essence an enlightened being but in presence displays the form of a Bodhisattva.

May we, in one way or another, be able to follow in his footsteps.

With prayers,
Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa


洽美仁波切的禪修開示 – 2022-08-22

22/8/2022 Chagmay Rinpoche’s 3rd Talk on Meditation (2)

二零二二年八月二十二日洽美仁波切的禪修開示 (2)


About post-meditation, in Gampopa’s book, it says that we should avoid idle talk and useless chatter, how do I distinguish it from socializing?




Yeah, I mean, basically, gossiping. Gossiping, or useless talk, everything, is also included in the ten unvirtuous deeds. Basically, the result of all these talks, useless talks, and gossiping, it takes you further and further and further away from practice. That is the negative result of these qualities. But when you say, when you have to socialize, and then talk, there is one saying, that is quite useful: if you know it is useless talk, there is always skillful methods that can be applied towards that certain moment, or every day in our lives. Because we live in a community, so on. If we recognize that we have to use the useless talks, useless topics, you know, just gossiping, to recognize that. If it is not coming from jealousy, anger, or hatred, that is fine, I mean, if you notice. Because when people talk, usually, gossiping, it is either coming from jealousy, or hatred, or anger, or you know, it is always coming from these. When we talk about someone else, it is either because, there is some jealousy, or hatred, or anger. So if these qualities is not within your mind, this is how you distinguish gossiping…but, still gossiping, but not gossiping. When you socialize with people, and then everyone is talking this and that, I mean, you can add on a few sentences, just to make everyone happy too. Because if you don’t talk, and if you just listen, listen, listen, and then don’t say anything, that would be weird too with your friends, or anyone, your colleagues. That’s why I say, skillful methods can be applied in our everyday lives. Skillful methods is knowing, but at the same time, adapting. And then if you can become skillful, I mean, if you can become used to using these kinds of methods, then you can have opposite effects on the others too, you can have positive effects on others as well. If you are gossiping, and then if the negative qualities are not arising within you, then it is okay. Okay meaning, it is good for you, because you don’t go into that quality. 


是的,基本上是講是非。講是非或無用的談話等等都是被包含在十不善業之中。這些談話的結果會使你遠離修行,與修行之路越來越遠。這就是負面的結果。但若果你說,你需要因為社交而談話,那有一個頗為有用的做法:當你知道將要講無意義的談話,其實有善巧的方法,可以在特定的時候運用,或在我們日常的生活中應用,因為我們都在社區裏生活。若果我們察覺到我們要講無意義的話、無聊的話題、 要講是講非時,就要去認出它。若果它不是出於妒忌、憤怒、嗔恨,那是可以的,當然是若果你能察覺到的話。因為當人們談話、講是非,通常都是出於妒忌、嗔恨,或憤怒,它常常都是基於這些負面的心態。當我們談及別人,這是因為妒忌、嗔恨,或憤怒。所以,若果你的心不是帶著這些負面的東西,這就是你如何區別出是不是在講是非。須然依然是閒話,但不是在講是非。當你與人社交,然後所有人都在說這樣,說那樣,你可以搭上幾句,只是為了令別人開心。因為若果你不說話, 若果你只是聽著,然後甚麼都不說,那你的朋友、其他人或你的同事,都會覺得你很奇怪。這是我說善巧的方法可以應用到每日的生活的意思。善巧的方法是覺察,不過同時也是適應。若果你可以習慣使用這種方法,你就可以對別人帶起相反的作用,你可以對別人有正面的影響。若果你講閑話,而負面的情緒沒有在你身上生起,那是可以的。可以的意思是,這是對你好的,因為你沒有那些不良的質素。



作者: 賴成蔭

可以肯定地告訴大家:摩尼寳珠尚在人間, 只不過很不容易找到;然而由於識之者寡,價格可以非常便宜!
但請記住: 所有聖物神器,都必須經歴「集結」(accumulate) 、「活化」(activate) 和「發揮/ 提升」
(enhance )三大階段的。這涉及持有者持之以恒的修行努力及發大善願的慈悲心!而不是求得後如同戰利品般
(2) 表層有圆圈線纹(甚至是同心圆纹):好像有人用針規刻上去的,但仔細觀察又不大可能是人工刻劃得出

(3) 具有迷人的猫眼式折射光芒,而且光纹移動變化的面積較大,甚至覆蓋整個球體。
(1)「自然流露清光明,普照四方」: 即其折射光非常寬濶,而且光芒很強,即使站在較遠的地方也可以看
(2) 是彩色的: 包含紅黃青綠紫五色的組合。按「青」在古代叫「靛青」,其實是藍色。而這五色就是古代的
(3) 放在水中,可以把濁水照亮。
(4) 其來源和水有関: 有詩云「躍出驪龍湫!」,這很可能是出自瀑布或河水中,而不是一般的石礦。因有傳

第十七世大寶法王 分享有關 白雅仁波切圓寂 的消息

October 9, 2022



我們以非常悲痛的心情宣布,持有佛陀教法的偉大上師,蔣揚索南旺波白雅秋楚仁波切,於藏歷水虎年(2022 年 10 月 3 日)八月八日在成都圓寂。





因此,我請他的弟子,積集善根發無私大願。 我本人也為他迅速乘願歸來祈願。


October 9, 2022

Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa, shares the following message regarding the passing of Pewar Rinpoche.

Dear Dharma friends,

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of the Buddhist master Jamyang Sonam Wangpo Pewar Chogtrul Rinpoche, who departed on the 8th day of the 8th month in the Water Tiger year of the Tibetan calendar (the 3rd of October 2022) in the city of Chengdu.

The previous Dzongsar Khyentse Chokyi Lodro recognized Pewar Chogtrul Rinpoche as a reincarnated master and installed him as the Head of Pewar Monastery in the Derge region of Tibet.

In terms of the young Pewar Rinpoche’s education and training, Dzongsar Khyentse Chokyi Lodro played a major role. However, later on, because of changes in the country at the time, Pewar Rinpoche settled in an earth-cave in a secluded place not far from the Gonchen Monastery in the Derge region for a period of twenty years, which he spent in meditation.

From time to time devotees would seek his instructions, and during these encounters Pewar Rinpoche would ask trusted disciples to retrieve sacred objects such as statues and paintings from monasteries in the region. He then safeguarded these objects in his cave and later returned them to their rightful institutions once circumstances were stable. All in all, the late Pewar Rinpoche thus saved more than a thousand sacred images.

From the year of 1980 till his passing Pewar Rinpoche tirelessly taught the Buddha Dharma, gave transmissions and empowerments throughout the various regions of Tibet and abroad. However, due to sentient beings’ lack of good karma there may not be a master like him again in this world.

Thus, I hereby request all of his disciples to engage in virtue in order to acquire goodness and to cultivate the path of selfless aspirations.
And I myself pray for his swift return and the fulfillment of all his intentions.

Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa



於新德里2022 年9月20日














New Delhi, 20 September 2022

Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa, shares the following message after an earthquake in Taiwan.

Dear Dharma friends,

It is with great sadness that I learned of the earthquake that struck in the southeast of Taiwan last Sunday. While the death count has remained mercifully low, nevertheless such calamities create tremendous sorrow for all those directly affected by them. Thus, as a result of this earthquake many people have suffered injuries, and many more have lost their livelihood.

And this is just one of so many natural and manmade disasters that we have been seeing around the globe in recent times: from the devastating floods in Pakistan, the typhoon in Japan, and the catastrophic forest fires affecting numerous parts of the world, to the various man-made disasters such as war and different forms of violence.

In view of all this suffering around us it would be all too easy to be disheartened; to feel overwhelmed and powerless.

However, as the teachings on Mind Training (Lojong) tell us, the Buddha Dharma can help us transform all difficulties into the path to liberation, awakening.

Through our practice we can transform suffering and obstacles into opportunities to gain a clearer understanding of the nature of our human existence.

We can gain the wisdom to see that life is, by its very nature, fleeting and impermanent, and that the only thing we can rely on is the complete acceptance of this ever-changing and fluctuating world that is ours.

We can let go of our deep-rooted wishful thinking that our experience is permanent, that life is nothing but pleasure, and that what we consider as happiness will last forever.

At the same time, this insight will help us to naturally develop compassion for all other beings who are caught up in the same kind of wishful thinking, and give rise to the genuine wish to benefit them – not out of a sense of mission, but out of a genuine aspiration to be of support.

Therefore, dear Dharma friends, please utilise your precious human life and these challenging times we live in to the best of your ability, by transforming every experience into fuel for generating wisdom and compassion.

And please join me in dedicating your practice and your virtue to all those affected by misfortunes and disasters.

With prayers
Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa











今天下午 大約6 點 30 分,小雨從沒有雨雲的天空落下。也許這是我情感的投射,也許不是,但這就像是告別的祝福。這並不代表什麼都真正結束了,而是一種溫柔的感情。


像許多偉人一樣,從今以後他的道路將會是我們無數的道路。 但我們不會在有生之年,以我們認識的方式遇見他們。




Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa, shares the following message after the passing of Professor Sempa Dorje.

Dear Dharma friends,

Our beloved Genla, Professor Sempa Dorje, has entered the final meditation of this rebirth. He passed into Parinirvana yesterday evening, on the 10th day of the lunar calendar, which is known in Tibetan as tsechu.

I will forever miss his presence, and there will never be another great and unique Bodhisattva like him in my life.

He was one of my greatest teachers, and one of the greatest gifts made to me by my late root teacher, His Holiness the 14th Kunzig Shamar Rinpoche.

‘Genla’ is a simple term of endearment, by which I used to call Professor Sempa Dorje. The meaning of this term is ‘elderly’, not necessarily in terms of age, but more referring to the person’s knowledge and his paving the way to our realisation.

Just like myself, many fellow practitioners have had the precious opportunity to learn from him and absorb his treasures of Buddhist knowledge. I hope we will be able to honour him by being able to put into practice what he shared with us.

This afternoon around 6:30pm a light drizzle of rain fell from a sky that contained no real rain clouds. Maybe it’s my emotion, and maybe it’s not – but it was like a farewell blessing. Not that anything truly ends, but it was like a gentle touch of affection.

May we follow in his footsteps, and the footsteps of so many great masters – the way they live and the way they pass away.

His path from now on will be a myriad of paths, like that of so many great beings.

But we won’t witness them in our lifetime, not in the way we think we will. Yet, if we put what he has passed on to us into practice, then we can be sure that he will be with us all the way to enlightenment.

With prayers,
Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa


派發福米 2022年8月14日


日期 : 2022年8月14日

時間 :下午 2:00

派發地點 : 九龍油麻地廟街榕樹頭天后廟公園

主辦單位 : 妙境佛學會

地址 : 九龍油麻地窩打老道21號2樓

電話 : 28026767 / 55071138

網址 :








讓我們也提醒自己,無常和死亡並不是我們普遍認為那麼可怕,它們從來都不是終結。讓我們嘗試理解,在生命中 並沒有絕對的結束、失去、或死亡。生命只是隨著因緣和條件而相續不斷。






Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa, shares the following message regarding recent natural and man-made disasters.

Dear Dharma friends,

Since the beginning of this year alone – over the space of just a few months – we have witnessed so many natural disasters across the world: floods, landslides, cyclones, droughts, and wildfires, and all of these have caused immeasurable suffering to humans and animals alike.

On top of these natural calamities, we have also been seeing a number of accidents and man-made disasters, most recently the plane crash in Nepal last Sunday and the tragic school shooting in Uvalde, Texas, both of which have cost more than twenty human lives.

The accumulation of such events, against the backdrop of the many current global challenges, such as the war in Ukraine, the climate crisis, and the still-ongoing pandemic, can leave us feeling helpless and hopeless.

However, as practitioners of the Buddha Dharma, it is important for us to not give in to despair. Instead, let us use such happenings as a basis to reflect on the teachings of the Buddha Dharma, in particular the inevitability of death and the impermanent nature of life.

Let us also remind ourselves that impermanence and death are not the terrible news we often consider them to be – they are never the finale. Let’s try to understand that in life, there is no absolute end, loss or death. Life simply flows in a series of pulses, in accordance with causes and conditions.

At the same time, let us think of all those who have experienced tremendous loss and are grief-stricken and devastated, and let us extend our wishes and prayers to the victims of all disasters, both natural and manmade: the deceased, the injured and the bereaved alike.

I would request all of my fellow practitioners to join me in making lamp offerings dedicated to their benefit, and to recite the six-syllable mantra of the Buddha of Compassion, Avalokiteshvara, as much as possible.

With prayers

Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa





下週一,5 月 16 日,是衛塞節(也稱為佛陀 Jayanti或佛Purnima 的日子),這是一個紀念我們歷史上的釋迦牟尼佛誕生、成道和入滅的佛教節日。












但是,如果你感到有所啟發,並有時間和機會的話,在 24 小時,即是從一個日出到下一個日出的時間,我會鼓勵你全身全意投入這個修持。


只需花 24 小時進行練習,就能讓我們的身語意從平時的忙碌中放鬆下來。我並不是暗示我們的社會責任和我們生活中的各種責任是不重要或毫無意義的,完全不是這個意思。這些責任與別人、個人、社區、社會有關,所以它們當然很重要。







第一個是,「戒律」一詞及其所傳達的內涵。這個英文單詞,就像它的藏語對應詞 sdom pa 一樣,似乎帶有一種限制、封閉或約束的語氣。我認為這會給我們帶來錯誤的想法。並不是說 sdom pa 這個詞本身有什麼問題,「束縛」或「禁閉」實際意思是關閉我們通往惡行之身語意之門。



可幸的是,藏語sdom pa 與許多佛法術語一樣,具有廣泛的含義、語調和內涵。因此,我們可以簡單地注意一硬兩面的另一面,並利用另一個可能更適合我們這個時代的文化,「解束」這個解釋可能就更合適我們。畢竟,每當我們關上一扇門時,另外一道門就會打開,由於我們總是喜歡聽到事物積極的一面,所以當我們從打開、解綁的角度理解「戒律」或 sdom pa 時,我們可能會感到更有動力和鼓舞。













Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa, gives the following message on the occasion of Vesak, 2022.
Dear Dharma friends,
Next Monday, May 16th, marks the day of Vesak (also known as Buddha Jayanti or Buddha Purnima) – the Buddhist festival that commemorates the birth, the enlightenment and the Parinirvana of our historical Buddha Shakyamuni.
Of course, Samantabhadra’s King of Aspiration Prayers (which is extracted from the Gaṇḍavyūha chapter of the Avataṃsaka Sutra, and sums up its essence) tells us that atop every particle in our world there are as many pure realms as there are atoms in the universe, and that in each of these pure realms reside myriads of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.
This is not just an analogy – it describes the way things actually are. However, due to the limitations of our human condition we are only able to witness things one at a time, in a linear manner, and accordingly we talk about a series of historical Buddhas, appearing one after the other.
And of course, in our current era we have the good fortune of being able to call ourselves the disciples of one of these countless Buddhas: the one who started life as Prince Siddharta, attained perfect awakening under the Bodhi Tree in Bodhgaya, and thereafter became known as Buddha Shakyamuni.
As Buddhists we consider Vesak to be the most sacred day of the lunar year, and we do our best to celebrate it with as much sincerity as possible.
We recall the Buddha’s teaching, and we try to use this day to implement however much of it we are able to.
And I think that one of the most practical and relatable ways of observing this day is by focusing on the practice of refuge. I believe that most of you must have received the Buddhist refuge vows from one of your teachers.
The taking of refuge marks the first step on the Buddhist path, and it’s also the foundation for the whole journey. An individual entering this path by taking refuge in the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha promises to give up non-virtuous actions, which is the very basis for journeying towards liberation and perfect awakening, Buddhahood.
So therefore, I would like to encourage all of you to observe the day of Vesak by focusing on the refuge practice, and along with this, please also recite Samantabhadra’s King of Aspiration Prayers.
This is what I would like to ask of all my fellow practitioners.
Besides that, for those of you who are familiar with the practice of Sojong, who have taken the Sojong vows in the past and have received explanations on them, I would encourage you to devote the Vesak day to this practice.
As always, please don’t mistake this suggestion of mine for a command, an order that you are obligated to follow. I’m well aware of the fact that many of you have very busy schedules, with countless obligations and responsibilities.
But should you feel inspired and have the time and opportunity, then – for a period of 24 hours, from one sunrise to the next – I would encourage you to devote yourselves to this practice.
I believe that it has great benefit, because it gives us an opportunity to observe some sort of silence, at least for one day in a year. I am not just talking about verbal silence here, but, more than that, also silence from thoughts.
Dedicating just 24 hours to this practice will allow our body, speech and mind to relax from their usual busyness. I don’t mean to imply that our social duties and the various responsibilities we have in our lives are unimportant or meaningless. Not at all – they are related to people, to individuals, to communities, to society, so of course they are important.
It’s just that if we could gain greater clarity of view and deeper insight through these practices, then our social duties will become less and less heavy and burdensome.
Social duties and responsibilities are part and parcel of being human, but it is possible to go about them in the most relaxed and natural way, without anxiety or hang-ups. Maybe what I’m trying to convey here will be easier to understand if I use the analogy of the sun and its ‘duties and responsibilities’. Figuratively speaking, it’s part and parcel of the sun’s duties to rise every morning, to set every evening, and to give warmth and life to plants, animals and human beings alike. And without fail, the sun goes about fulfilling these ‘duties’ day in, day out, without ever getting stuck or stressed, without any hang-ups.
This, I feel, is one of the benefits of this practice – it allows us to become more like the sun: it helps us to function, to rise and to set, to live and to die, without being stuck, without anxiety, without hang-ups.
And of course, if you can’t practice Sojong on the day of Vesak itself, there’s always the next day, and if not, then the day after that. So, there’ll always be another opportunity.
For those of you who are not yet familiar with the practice of Sojong, I would suggest that it might be a good experience to try it one day, should the occasion arise. Everybody likes to try new things, after all, and the practice of Sojong doesn’t require any great exertion or effort – it’s simple, peaceful, and enjoyable.
In this context, I would like to share a few reflections on two topics that I feel can sometimes be a source of misunderstanding.
The first one is the term ‘vow’ and the connotations it transports. This English word – just like its Tibetan counterpart sdom pa – seems to carry a tone of restriction, of closing or binding; and I think this can give us the wrong idea. Not that there is anything wrong with the term sdom pa itself – what the ‘binding’ or ‘closing’ actually implies is shutting the doors of our body, speech and mind to non-virtues.
Still, the way in which certain notions are perceived is very much dependent on the spirit of the time we live in, the contemporary mentality, and the prevailing trends. Thus, for past generations it may have been perfectly valid and even inspiring to hear about ‘shutting the door to non-virtues’. It’s a clear-cut and down-to-earth way of describing the vows.
However, the present time, which is marked by modernity, environmental issues and globalisation, has its own advantages as well as its own drawbacks. On the one hand we have more freedom and opportunities than ever before, but on the other hand we are faced with so many choices, so much stress, and an unprecedented number of tasks and challenges. It seems to me that the contemporary human condition is such that we don’t have any room to hear about problems or challenges. And so therefore, if we hear about ‘shutting the door to non-virtues’ and so on, we may not feel encouraged or inspired. As children of our current era, we always like to hear about the bright side of things, about their positive aspect, their sweet part.
Fortunately, the Tibetan term sdom pa – like so many Dharma terms – has a wide range of meanings, tones and connotations. And so we can simply focus on the flip side of the coin and tap into another nuance that may be more appropriate for our era, and that could very well be something like ‘unbinding’. After all, whenever we close one door another one opens, and since we always prefer to hear about the positive side of things, we may feel more motivated and inspired when we approach the vows, or sdom pa, from the angle of opening, unbinding.
This can help us gain a sense that the purpose of practising vows, or doing any other Buddhist practice, is not to constrain us, close us, tie us up. In fact, it’s quite the opposite: all the practices of the Buddha Dharma are meant to liberate us, unbind us, open our heart.
So who knows, maybe in time we’ll come up with a new term – or maybe the next Buddha will invent a new word instead of ‘vow’. But just temporarily, if it makes sense, I feel that we might think of them not as ‘vows’ but as ‘unbinders’.
The second point I would like to talk about briefly is the sense of mission we often bring to our Dharma practice.
I have always felt inspired by the beginning of the Bodhicaryāvatāra, where Śāntideva says that he’s not composing this work for the sake of others but for his own benefit. When saying this he doesn’t mean that he doesn’t have bodhicitta; nor is he just being modest. He is just being practical, down to earth, not exaggerating things. He’s simply doing what he’s doing, and he enjoys doing it. So there is no sense of a burden, a mission of why he is composing this text. He’s not doing it for glory or fame, or to save the world.
Any one of us who has a clear mind will understand that the world just goes on, and that there’s no need to worry too much about a personal or a collective mission, about saving all sentient beings, or saving the world. These are just ways to motivate ourselves, and if we find them helpful and inspiring, then of course we can dedicate our practice of refuge or Sojong in that way.
But I feel that there is no need for waving big banners, hanging gigantic posters, or having loudspeakers proclaim from the top of the roof that “I’m dedicating my practice to saving all sentient beings”, or to saving the world.
To me all of this just comes down to creating another commotion. And if you create such a commotion, if you curse and promise and swear that “from this moment onwards until my last day I will devote myself to saving the world”, it may feel liberating at that moment. But actually, the weight of that commotion doesn’t have much relation to the world. It will not achieve anything, besides creating unnecessary stress, burden, and anxiety for yourself.
By contrast, Śāntideva just enjoying what he’s doing is so simple and relatable. When you enjoy doing what you’re doing, everything becomes easy; even if you do have to save the world it becomes easy.
In Chinese, the word for ‘joyful’ or ‘happy’ is kāixīn – which literally means ‘open heart’.
And I think that’s the real purpose of the practice of vows: unbinding us and helping us open our heart.
So therefore, dear Dharma friends, this is what I wish for all of you on this day of Vesak – may you be able to spare some time to use the practice of the Buddha Dharma to find joy and open your heart.
With prayers
Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa


第十七世大寶法王 對 反思人身的開示






— 寂天菩薩《入菩薩行論》













正是由於這兩個原因,儘管事實上人類的生命只是片刻的短暫,不比一道閃電的時間長,但我們實際上並不認為它是短暫的。我們能夠放慢速度,以慢動作生活,看待它就像可以分成幾個部分:年、月、週、日、小時,我們能夠感覺到我們在生活和呼吸,我們能夠感覺到我們有諸如此類的經歷,各式各樣的體驗。我們理所當然地認為我們將有 80 或 90 歲的平均壽命。











Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa, shares the following reflections on human life:

“These leisures and endowments, which are so difficult to obtain, have been acquired, and they bring about the welfare of all. If one fails to take this favourable opportunity into consideration, how could this occasion occur again?

Just as lightning illuminates the darkness of a cloudy night for an instant, in the same way, by the power of the Buddhas, occasionally people’s minds are momentarily inclined toward merit.”

– From A Guide to the Bodhisattva Way of Life (Bodhicaryāvatāra) by Śāntideva.

The imagery of Śāntideva is always captivating. His analogy of lightning in the second Śloka is something that we can all relate to from our own experience. He’s evoking the image of a pitch-black, stormy night, so dark that there is no way of finding your path, no way of even seeing your palm in front of your eyes. And then suddenly, a flash of lightning illuminates this dark night, and just for a fraction of a second you can see your surroundings as clearly as if it were bright day.

Śāntideva uses this analogy here to describe the tiny moments of virtuous, meritorious notions that come up in our mind, and he portrays them as being extremely rare and hard to come by. Why? Well, there are so many distractions in our lives; so many seemingly important things, occurring day after day, moment after moment, and, along with them, disturbing emotions constantly arise.

Due to this endless agitation, there is hardly any instant where there is space in our mind for even the tiniest glimpse of a virtuous thought to arise; the chances of such a moment occurring are one in a million! But if, against all odds, such a moment does occur, Śāntideva tells us that this is due to the aspirations, the kindness, and the blessings of the Buddhas.

So this is the obvious meaning here, but when reading and contemplating these two Ślokas this morning I thought, “What if we took Śāntideva’s analogy further, into another dimension, onto another scale? What if we applied it to our entire human existence?”

I don’t mean to imply that Śāntideva doesn’t talk about the preciousness of this human existence – in fact, the first of the two Ślokas in the introduction talks about the unique opportunity such a rebirth represents, and how important it is to make good use of it.

Nevertheless, I would like to share some of my own reflections on how we might relate the image of the flash of lightning to our human life, in the hope that it might be meaningful to some of you.

If we consider our human existence by comparing it to other timescales and dimensions, we can’t help being struck by just how short and temporary it is.

Let’s take the example of a galaxy and its lifespan: how impressive, how amazing, how enormous it is!

By comparison, how insignificant are the lives of human beings, even if we look at all of humanity as a collective? And what need then to even talk about one individual’s life, of his or her achievements? Seen on a cosmic scale they mean nothing at all; there is nothing significant about them. So short and insignificant are they that it’s as if they never even happened. Whatever their achievements – whether they climbed Mount Everest, put an end to hunger, or became a universal monarch – none of them mean anything.

From that perspective, the entire lifespan of a human being is nothing but a fleeting moment; actually, not even a moment, not even a nanosecond – it’s so brief that we can’t even declare it to have occurred at all.

Having talked about that perspective of human existence, let’s go back to Śāntideva’s flash of lightning for a moment: it is true that due to our human condition – the limitations of the capacity of our eye faculty and the state of our consciousness that goes with it – the experience that we have of a flash of lightning is very momentary. But if our eye faculty were somewhat different, if we were able to slow down the flash, like a super slow-motion camera, we might be able to divide up that one split second into millions of frames. We could film that moment of lightning and play it back for a whole minute or even for a whole hour (in case we had the required super-gadgets for it), and still get the sense that what we are seeing is not a still photograph but a moving image.

And this, I feel, is the very luxury that we have with our human lifespan, and this luxury is due to two factors: the blessing of the Buddhas on the one hand, and our accumulation of merit on the other hand.

It is thanks to these two causes that even though in truth this human life lasts only for a moment – no longer than a flash of lightning – we do not actually perceive it as being momentary. We are able to slow it down, live it in slow motion, as it were, divide it into fractions: years, months, weeks, days, hours… We are able to feel that we are living and breathing, we are able to feel that we have this and that experience, this and that adventure. We take it for granted that we will have a certain number of years to live, that we will have an average lifespan of 80 or 90.

We experience our life as long and adventurous, and that’s nothing short of a miracle. And that miracle is due to none other than these two causes of merit and blessing.

And I think that it might be really interesting if, from time to time, we could reflect on these two perspectives of the precious human existence that is ours.

How on the one hand it’s so minute, so momentary, so insignificant that we cannot even say it actually happened, that it really took place.

But how, on the other hand, it’s so impressive and miraculous – especially in view of its minuteness – that we can experience it as long and adventurous, as significant and even ‘larger than life’!

I feel that first of all it’s very interesting to reflect on these aspects, and then furthermore, if you feel that we need a reason for this occurrence, then you can rely on what the Bodhisattvas of the past have said: that such an occurrence is only possible thanks to the double cause of the Buddhas’ blessings and your own merit or effort.

And so, if you focus and reflect on these two points – the interesting nature of this human life, and the causes for its occurrence – then once you have spent enough time reflecting on it, you will be naturally motivated to try and make the most of it.

And the way to make the most of it is by furthering the accumulation of merit. You will become curious and want to explore for yourself: “If I continue to accumulate merit, what will happen? Where will it lead me?”

In other words, you will be motivated to improve the quality of how you live your life. You will be naturally inclined to practice, both formally and informally. Not necessarily in retreat, but in your everyday life, from the comfort of your home or your workplace.

In conclusion, please understand that having shared these reflections, I’m not asking you to do anything; I’m not giving you any homework to do, so don’t feel under any obligation.

If I’m asking anything of you it’s only this: be curious about your human life, and see for yourselves where your curiosity might lead you. ‎



  • 摩尼珠探索 作者: 賴成蔭

    從來「摩尼珠」就是天下最高能量的寶石! 「觀音菩薩」就是「手持摩尼珠和蓮花的聖者」。原來還有地藏菩薩、黃財神菩薩手持的,乃至藏傳佛教的密勒日巴尊者、大護法瑪哈嘎拿和獅面空行母的輔神紅猴的左手骷髏鉢內放著的都是摩尼珠。東晉法顯和尚在其「佛國記」及唐玄奘法師的「大唐西域記」都有記載他們在印度見到摩尼珠的盛事,詳加描述,並視為國寶級的神器。估計摩尼珠的原產地是在印度,而且極可能是斯里蘭卡,因其地就是觀音菩薩道場,至今仍盛產貓眼石。可惜的是遠在一千多年前,(即唐朝時代)摩尼珠已絕產。這樣才有西藏天珠的崛起取代,以至於今日。近年西方社會卻出現了另一種號稱「摩尼珠」的黑色隕石粒子,據說是來自天狼星的隕石,主要在美國的亞利桑拿州和南美哥倫比亞地區出土。其實這個所謂「摩尼珠」完全是另一回事,只是名稱相同而已。原來「摩尼」一詞來自梵文 cinta-mani 的音譯,而意譯就是「如意寶珠」,這是泛指具有令人心想事成,滿願能力的寶石;而不是某一特別品種寶石的名稱。


    西藏唐卡由於是用工筆重彩繪製,我們得以很清楚看到「摩尼珠」的真面目。更重要的是唐卡不但描述了菩薩/上師/ 護法手持此珠之外,還有在其身前的供桌上或地面上,也有擺放著最少一排或多至三排,為數約十多顆的摩尼珠作為供品。可堪留意的是:
    (1) 這些寶石竟是唯一的供品,捨此之外別無他物。反映此乃世上唯一最好的珍寶,足以上供給諸佛菩薩之物。
    (2) 在當時「摩尼珠」的產量也可不少,肯定不止於菩薩手上的幾颗。「摩尼珠」的特徵有:一. 圓球形狀: 此乃能量形成的最佳狀態。因天然能量原為極高熱的旋渦,逐步冷卻成為氣泡,最後結成晶體。二. 體積夠大:大約在直徑十至十三公分左右,剛好可以捧在手上。唐卡中從未見過更大的球體。而細粒的珠子倒是有的,那竟然就是掛在身上的「瓔珞」!三. 晶石: 即硬度較高的寶石。四. 光澤:亮度強,折射強。五. 縞紋:同心圓式橫帶紋(活像「木星帶」)六. 眼珠: 此乃氣泡旋渦的核心部份。一般出現在球體的頂部,這就是一般人所 的「天眼石」説 。七. 不透明: 若然,透明的水晶球肯定不是。八. 顏色: 其實種種顏色都可以,但以黃、紅、藍色為主。不論是任何石材,產自何方,凡符合上述特徵的便是「摩尼珠」了!當今世上還可以找到嗎?我的探索經驗可以和大家分享:(一)「貓眼石」: 有很多地方符合,但卻欠缺最關鍵的「眼珠」和「縞紋」,因此肯定不是。(二)「龍珠」;此乃足球般大的石球,上有大眼珠和縞紋帶,據 產地是南非,亦有說這個只是台灣説大理石而已。可是摩尼珠並不是大石球,何況此石欠缺光澤亮度,而且硬度亦不夠,不足以稱為寶石。 黑縞瑪瑙: 外國人稱之為「安力士」Onyx 。此石具有大眼珠及縞紋帶,但由於石身深黑如墨且不透明,若非有心仔細察看,很難發現。以致很多人誤以為是「黑曜石」或「黑水晶」。重要的是此石有符合摩尼珠的大小尺寸,而且價錢不貴。但問題是其條紋並不明 ,稍遠觀望根本看不見,而且沒有折射的悅目光芒。我認為此石界乎顕摩尼珠和天珠之間的能量石,什至是天珠的源頭濫觴。(四) 虎眼石: 此石乃貓眼石的進化版,主要產地是南非(現為南非的「國石」),幾乎擁有全部摩尼珠的特徵!只可惜其岩層厚度不會大於十公分,而所生 出來的石球直徑不可能超過八公分。由於尺寸不産夠大則不可以被視為「摩尼珠」。或許古代的斯里蘭卡有較厚的岩層,生產出摩尼珠,但數量不可能多,而且早已在一千多年前絕 了。産這些古董文物或有可能流入到玉石市埸或拍賣行,只是可遇而不可求。由於識之者寡,其價格不會比水晶球貴吧!(五) 世界之大,礦藏之豐,在任何時地,都可能另有摩尼珠石材被發現開採,廣傳世間。彩蛋是:如果大家循著前述的種種特徵探索追尋,定會發現摩尼珠礦藏的確尚在人間!19-4-2022

第十七世大寶法王 分享以下 新年開示







I wish you longevity without the burden of having to live long.
I wish you happiness without having to force a smile.
I wish you peace without silencing loving activities.

On the occasion of Losar and the dawn of the Year of the Male Water Tiger, Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa, wants you to know that his wishes and prayers are there for all of you, and shares the following message for all of his students.

Life is precious indeed, yet no matter how precious it may be, if we try to grasp it, it will slip out of our grasp like water. Therefore, with the support of the Buddha Dharma, may we learn to enjoy life by swimming in this infinite stream – not necessarily by swimming faster or slower, but by letting the water of life float and carry us, so that we can let go of control over life.

These past years have shown us how turbulent life can be. The answer for why this is the case could be that we have tried to fight against the current of life. So, may we try to swim with it, compassionately and wisely, not for an absolute cause but simply for the enjoyment of having been born as a particular pattern of the water in this lifetime.

In this way, no matter how turbulent life gets, we are aware of and somewhat awake to the truth that turbulence must flow away, for life is only like water.

I have a feeling that at the dawn of this new year we get, yet again, a chance to witness what life is all about. Therefore, it is my fervent wish for you to take some time to either pray or meditate on life with the help of the Buddha Dharma.

I wish you longevity without the burden of having to live long.
I wish you happiness without having to force a smile.
I wish you peace without silencing loving activities.


第十七世大寶法王 分享以下 關於 烏克蘭最近局勢消息















所有六道眾生都處於這種選擇的催眠下,因此我們更需要持誦諸佛慈悲總持觀世音菩薩的六字大明咒 Om Ma Ni Pad Me Hung。


February 25, 2022
Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa, shares the following message after the recent events in Ukraine.

Dear Dharma friends,

I have been following the world news as closely as I can, and each update has caused me great worry and sadness. I might be one of many who feel that this pandemic is already quite enough worry for the world, and that among the many wars that have raged ever since the outbreak of the pandemic, the current situation in Ukraine is particularly worrisome.

As practitioners, what can we do? Do we, as citizens of the world, try to stop such a situation? Do we have the ability to avert it, prevent it? Or do we let things run their course? There are no simple answers to these questions, I’m afraid.

Nevertheless, as practitioners who are connected to family members and friends – both young and old, healthy, sick or dying – we may feel the need to be strong for them, to take responsibility for them.

So, does that mean we have to force ourselves to exude strength and courage by denying our own struggle against fear? Not necessarily, I feel.

Of course, being there for them to calm their hearts is our practice. But what that means is to accept that life is always changing, and always will be.

In that sense we may not have to pretend to be strong. By accepting that life is ever-changing or impermanent we can let fear flow away, just like letting ourselves exhale without worrying if we might be able to inhale again afterwards. This practice might convey to our families and friends – young and old; healthy, sick or dying – the impression of strength and courage that they wish to experience and seek from us.

This acceptance of impermanence can obviously come from any formal practice that we may have been invested in for as long as we can remember.

In absolute terms, the question of why life is ever-changing is one that we cannot find an answer for. Not even the Buddhas have found the answer to that question. So therefore, if you feel that you don’t know why all this is happening, feel absolutely free and confident to say “I don’t know”. Why would we, or why would I? This self or I will never know.

Yet, on a conventional level, or for the sake of communication, the Dharma that the Buddhas have shared by ‘turning the wheel of Dharma’ provides all the answers. So, if you feel that people are searching for answers and facts, then in order to prevent the misuse of causality by casting blame, start by reading the Jewel Ornament of Liberation and the larger sutras.

I have faith in the leaders of the world that they are doing everything within their power to prevent terrible outcomes. But we have to accept that they are humans after all. And that means that they are burdened by decisions and choices, even if they don’t want to choose. “To be or not to be”. All the choices they have to make are based on an inheritance of both prosperity and poverty. There is no way around that when one chooses, so the very nature of choice is both positive and negative.

And this illusion of choice is what we are hypnotised by. Practicing the Buddha Dharma means letting go of choice and decisions. It means that we only decide for the sake of those who are still under the spell of the hypnotism.

All six realms are under this hypnotism of choice, and therefore there is all the more reason to recite the six syllables of Chenrezig, the compassionate aspect of all the Buddhas: Om Ma Ni Pad Me Hung.

With prayers
Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa





作者: 賴成蔭



(一) 正能量的儲存容器:


我在參觀了上述大量的舍利子藏品時,發現了其三大特性:喜歡敞大的空間、喜歡掛壁懸在瓶邊、喜歡群居。反過來說就是處於很狹窄的容器:例如小膠囊、扁平的膠袋、利是封或很細小的瓶/ 盒內的(尤其是單獨一顆存放)極少出現增長和衍生的情況。

其實最原始的舍利子容器是「水晶圓球形瓶」。據佛經記載: 佛舍利最初被分成天界、龍宮及人間三大份,而四大龍王是把佛舍利供奉於水晶塔中的。




圓球形乃最能儲存和發放能量的形狀,我們只要看看觀音、地藏、藥師佛、黃財神手上拿著的全是圓球形的寶珠便可意會到了。(按: 這些我會在下一篇文章講摩尼寶珠和天珠時作更詳細的解釋)







這個活化的方法可謂千變萬化 ,因人因時因地而各有不同,在此很難明說清楚。但知當今不少名廚、調酒師和咖啡師都有一招秘技,其術語叫做 bypass ,極能把高端級的美食質量活化,我認為這正正是活化舍利子的精髓!但這個由於涉及「行規秘技」,在此不便公開。



原來舍利子在活化狀態之時有兩大徵狀:一是散發出香氣(這是近似蓮花的清香)。其二是表面産生粘性 sticky ,什至令其可以貼掛在瓶壁上。



浸聖水、曬月光、曬太陽可以嗎?但由於這些正能量不夠聚焦(focus ),什至帶有些「負能量」和種種雜亂物質;這些做法可能有些淨化或活化效果,但肯定不足以令舍利子衍生。





一. 直接求大寶法王加持舍利子: 在過去多年我已聽聞多宗的成功事例。這一方面是大寶法王的證量已是佛的境界,當然可以做得到;另方面這必定和求取者本身的業力福報有関。



