Category Archives: 特別消息





2月24日 獅面金剛法會/大黑天除障法會 晚上7:30
2月25日 獅面金剛法會/大黑天除障法會及薈供 下午2:30
2月26日 獅面金剛法會/大黑天除障法會 下午2:30
2月27日 藏曆新年法會(共修16阿羅漢) 上午9:00





新德里 2017年1月23號





January 23, 2017

Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa, gives this message concerning the recent train incident in Andhra Pradesh, south-east India.

Dear Dharma friends,

Yesterday there was a tragic train incident in Andhra Pradesh, in which at least 36 people lost their lives.

Please join me in prayer for the victims and their loved ones, and for all those affected by this disaster and other incidents around the world.

With compassion,
Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa






日期 時間 活動名稱
1月25及26日 上午10:00

下午 2:30







1月27日 上午10:00

下午 2:30




128 10:00 am 農曆新年法會




13 November 2016



Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa, pays respect to His Holiness Jigdal Dagchen Sakya Rinpoche’s kudung (holy body).

On the morning of November 9th, Karmapa visited the Sakya Phuntsok Palace in New Delhi in order to pay respect to His Holiness Jigdal Dagchen Sakya Rinpoche’s kudung and to offer his condolences to His Holiness’ spiritual wife H.E. Jamyang Dagmo Kusho.

His Holiness Vajra Dhara Kyabgön Dagchen Rinpoche Ngawang Kunga Sönam of the Phuntsok Phodrang passed away on April 29th, 2016 at the age of 87 in Seattle, USA. His Holiness’ kudung arrived on November 7th in New Delhi for the final cremation ceremony on November 11th. His Holiness was considered a major spiritual leader within the world of Tibetan Buddhism.


Karmapa pays respects to late HH Jigdal Dagchen Sakya Rinpoche


大寶法王 帶領 2016年度噶舉滿願祈福大法會


祈福法會是由噶瑪巴的慈善信託基金「南亞佛教協會」(SABA)舉辦。 SABA的其中主要目標是促進知識和教育,以提高對每個人本自俱足的智慧和慈悲這內在財富的認知。





有關「祈福法會」重要性等資料,請見Kagyu Monlam 網頁
The 2016 Kagyu Monlam will take place from 15 December – 21 December in Bodh Gaya. The ceremonies will be led by Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa. As the head of the Karma Kagyu lineage, Karmapa will preside over the ceremonies, assisted by other high lamas of the Karma Kagyu and other Kagyu schools.

The Monlam is being organised by Karmapa’s charitable trust, the South Asia Buddhist Association (SABA). One of SABA’s main goals is to promote literacy and education to raise awareness of Inner Wealth, the inborn pure qualities of wisdom and compassion that every human being possesses.

At Bodh Gaya, under the Bodhi Tree, descendent of the very tree under which the historical Buddha attained enlightenment, Karmapa will lead prayers, accompanied by lamas, monks, nuns and lay students from India and around the world.
Samantabhadra’s King of Aspiration Prayers will be at the centre of these recitations. This traditional wishing prayer consists of vast altruistic aspirations to attain enlightenment in order to lead all beings to enlightenment.

As Karmapa has said:

Aspirations are extremely powerful. They are one of the most moving phenomena, which touch us deeply. They go very much to the depth of our consciousness.
Karmapa will grant an empowerment, and conduct a puja for the deceased. Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche will also give teachings.

See the page about the Kagyu Monlam for more information on the significance of the Monlam

– >



5 November 2016


佛曆7世紀上半葉的月稱大菩薩,在其代表著作《入中論》曰(Introduction to the Middle Way):


偉大佛教哲學導師月稱菩薩的這偈頌是我每日祈禱和修行的一部分,不只因為我是佛教徒 – 而是皆因作為人。這偈頌說出了我的心識,這使我認同、明白和同意「愛能征服一切」的說法是合情理的。也就是說,這四句偈頌是我日常修習的一部分,因為它們是真實的。

為什麼我會這樣說?皆因真正的關愛是最終真正重要、真正值得做的事情。只有透過真誠的關愛,我們才能找到快樂。 「真誠」是無條件的,「快樂」是從任何形式的焦慮和痛苦中解脫,在佛學用詞就是從業力和煩惱(痛苦情緒)中解脫。



慈悲誕生了非凡的聖人,如阿羅漢和辟支佛。他們跟我們一樣都是從凡夫開始,但是勇氣使他們捨棄我執,我執乃生命憂慮的根源,也是傷害所有眾生的源頭。慈悲也誕生了其他偉大聖人,如佛菩薩,即使祂們知道眾生是無量的,勇氣讓祂們與所有眾生分享慈悲的體驗 。



Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa, shares the following teaching on compassion, on the anniversary of His Holiness the 16th Gyalwa Karmapa’s paranirvana.

Mahabodhisattva Chandrakirti, who lived in the first half of the seventh century CE, started his famous work, the Madhyamikavatara (“Introduction to the Middle Way”) with the lines:
“Shravakas and Pratyekabuddhas are born from the Muni king;
Buddhas are born from bodhisattvas;
And, from the mind of compassion, non-duality and Bodhicitta, bodhisattvas are born.”

This particular quote by the great Buddhist master Chandrakirti is a part of my daily prayers and practices, not just because I’m a Buddhist – but because I am a human being. The quote speaks to my consciousness, which allows me to recognize, understand, and accept that the saying ‘love conquers all’ is justified. In other words, these four lines are part of my daily practice because they are true.

Why? Because, ultimately, what really matters, what is worthwhile, is genuine care. It is only through genuine care that we can find joy. ‘Genuine’ means unconditioned, and ‘joy’ means being free from all forms of anxiety and pain, which in Buddhist terms means being free from karma and klesha (afflictive emotions).

In this ever-changing and brief, abrupt life, the only meaningful thing that we can achieve is compassion. Compassion is the only substantial thing we can leave behind for others, and it’s the only substantial thing that we can take with us. No matter how great the power, the financial fortune, the fame that we might amass, at the end of our life’s chapter, and on the journey from one life to another, compassion is the only gift that we can take with us and pass on to others.

Compassion defies the logic and laws of life, transcending birth, ageing, illness and death. Compassion is the only quality that can help us understand these four stages of life not as something terrible but as truth, impermanence, and nature. Therefore, it helps us to find courage to live meaningful lives. Suddenly, through knowing and accepting the impermanence of life, we discover much more joy, much more purpose in life.

Compassion gives birth to extraordinary beings, such as the Shravakas and Pratyekabuddhas. These are individuals just like ourselves, but who achieve the courage to let go of the source of life’s anxiety: the ego, which harms all sentient beings. Compassion also gives birth to other extraordinary beings, such as the Buddhas and bodhisattvas, who develop the courage to share the experience of compassion with all sentient beings – even though they know that there is no limit to the number of sentient beings.

Therefore, should we wish to cherish anything in life, it should be none other than compassion. A compassion that is unconditioned, like a mother’s love for her only child. For her child’s sake, a mother is willing to sacrifice even her own life. What kind of person might this child might become in the future? Such a question is irrelevant when it comes to a mother’s love and compassion.

May we see our human existence as a precious human existence, which will enable us to cherish qualities like this, not next year, not tomorrow but right here, right now.

Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa



1 October


非暴力,和平,慈悲 – 所有這些都是對卓越美德的不同表達,都是我們希望實現的目標。


我們必須銘記那些出現在我們的生活和我們這個時代的偉大人物,他們展現了這種卓越美德。所以今天,我們懷念聖雄甘地,他樸素生活的非凡例子,他的生活方式和帶領他人用非暴力方式的生活。無論我們的文化,宗教和社會:耐心就是耐心,關愛就是關愛 – 它超越了文化,思想或宗教的所有界限。





原文來源 :
1 October
#Karmapa’s Message for #Gandhi’s Birthday

‘Nonviolence, peace, compassion – all of these are different expressions of excellence, and what we all wish to accomplish. However, it is difficult to pinpoint what those expressions or qualities really are. If we look at them in a materialistic way, then it almost becomes impossible to achieve.

Of course, because of our consciousness, because of our
innate qualities, we still have an idea that we want to achieve
non-violence, we want to achieve peace, we want to achieve
compassion. But the reason why it becomes challenging to pinpoint
what they are, might be due to afflictive emotions, unfavourable
causality that pushes the search for this excellence in an extreme
way. As a consequence, we lose sight of the fact that this
excellence is incredibly simple. And only with patience, with great
patience, great care for others, great regard for others, we are
able to somehow nurture this simplicity.

We must remember great beings who appear in our lives and
in our era, who display this excellence. And so today, we remember
the life of Mahatma Gandhi-ji, his extraordinary example of simplicity, his approach of leading his life and leading others in
his path of nonviolence.

No matter our culture, religion, or society: patience is patience, care is care – it surpasses all the social boundaries of culture, mentality or religion. There is something that we can learn from Gandhi-ji about having patience, courage, and how to live life in the moment; taking great responsibilities on one’s shoulders, and at the same time accepting the fragility of this life, for at the end of our lives we must part from all that we have done; and yet, we must have the patience not to be weighed down.

Gandhi-ji did all of this by leading a very simple life, while still carrying an immense responsibility. He taught those great lessons, and we must find ways to learn from them. Many of us have a life that is more comfortable than the one he lived, so in fact we have a very good chance of achieving what he achieved in his lifetime. While carrying out all of our tasks, we need to accept that life is changing, life is fragile. We need to accept the conditions and carry our responsibilities, not by putting great pressure on ourselves but by accepting the simple facts, and then striving to live one moment at a time.

I celebrate Gandhi-ji with the nation of India, and everyone around the world, for I have immense appreciation for his example.’

Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa, shares this message on the eve of Mahatma Gandhi’s birthday, October 2.







我們可能是宗教人士,哲學家,科學家,政治家,醫生, – 但誰能說,他們已經真正理解和平是什麼?我們可以用複雜的文字,邏輯,行為,但是仍然不能精確道出和平 – 仍然不會達致和平。
話雖如此,這並不代表如果我們為和平做一些事情是沒有價值的。然而,真正的價值在於我們現在能做些什麼來激發自己:為自己和他人追求和平 , 即使我們不真正知道和平是什麼。

因此,最好不要將自己疲於透過思考或抓住概念來認識「這是和平」 – 我們將永遠不會得到正確答案。但有一點我們可以肯定是對的,這就是我們對這個叫「和平」的東西的渴望。即使沒有其他明確的東西,有清晰的願望,這才是真正重要的事情。





每天只需要五分鐘作為開始:只是禪坐;平靜自己;專注於沒有執著任何念頭,無論它們是否正面或負面,必要或不必要的,重要的或不重要的。在這五分鐘,忘卻一切 – 忘卻自己於任何念頭。當你做到這一點,對和平的渴求,自然而然會出現。

#Karmapa’s message for today’s UN International Day of #Peace.
Dear dharma friends,
I believe that few of us really know what ‘peace’ means.

We may wish for ‘peace’ or do something ‘in the name of peace’, and though our motivations have merit, we really can have no idea whether our actions, gestures or words really contribute to this idea of peace.
We may be religious people, philosophers, scientists, politicians, doctors,­ – but who can say that they have really understood what peace is? We can use sophisticated words, logic, actions, but that still really won’t pinpoint peace ­– it still won’t achieve peace.
Having said this, it doesn’t mean that if we do something in the name of peace that there is no value. However, the real value lies in what we can do right now to motivate ourselves: we can aspire to seek peace, for ourselves and for others ­– even if we don’t know exactly what it is.

Therefore, it is better not to tire ourselves out by thinking ‘this is peace’ and grasping at the concept – we will never get it right. But one thing we can get right, is to know that we want this thing called peace. Even though nothing else might be clear, the aspiration is clear, and this is what really matters.
So I would like to ask everyone to use not just the UN International Day of Peace, but every day, to sustain your aspiration for peace, your longing for peace.
We have all been born as human beings and as such we have the precious and unique opportunity to aspire to peace. Most beings wouldn’t even have this chance due to so many obstacles. So please don’t lose this opportunity to aspire for peace.
In order to support this aspiration, I would ask everyone to learn, contemplate and meditate.
What I mean by ‘learn’ is to educate yourselves about the nature of compassion, the nature of wisdom. And then whatever you have learned, examine it closely, and reflect on it. Then, whatever you have deduced from deep listening and contemplation, meditate on that. When you do this, you will be meditating on the basis of compassion and wisdom, a state of mind where there is no grasping and no judgment.
Take five minutes a day to start with: just meditate; calm yourself; focus on the non­grasping of any thoughts; any ideas of any kind, whether they are positive or negative, necessary or unnecessary, important or unimportant. During these five minutes, lose everything – lose yourself from any thoughts. And when you do this, the aspiration for peace will naturally emerge.



25 August


Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa #Karmapa, shares the following message in the light of recent disasters.

‘Dear Dharma Friends

There are many forms of natural disasters. Tragedies take place daily, here in India, Italy, Myanmar and around the world.

It is important to practice mindful awareness so that our compassion reaches those affected by all disasters, not just those on a larger scale, or the ones featured by the media. The loss of a single precious human life, anywhere in the world, is a tragedy.

Wherever you are, no matter how much you suffer, you do not suffer alone.

As Dharma practitioners, we are all deeply connected, like mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters.

In the midst of turbulence, may we all find a place of stillness, clarity and peace. This place of stillness, this state of mind, lies within all of us. Our compassion and wisdom, our Inner Wealth, is unaffected by even the most extreme external conditions. No rain can dampen our inner peace. No wind can move our minds.

May we all pray together for all those who suffer.

With my heartfelt love and compassion

Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa’


