Category Archives: 大寶法王語錄

9 April 2018
Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa, shares the following message concerning tragic events over the weekend:
Dear dharma friends
This weekend, we witnessed unimaginable suffering.
More than 70 people were killed in a suspected chemical attack in Syria. In Canada, a crash involving a junior ice hockey team killed at least 14 people.
Young lives, innocent lives, have been taken from us in the most tragic of circumstances.
Let us pray for all those who have lost their lives. Let us pray for the parents, the families, and all those who mourn at this time. And let us pray for the end of violence, the end of suffering; and let us pray for peace for all sentient beings.
With compassion and prayers
Thaye Dorje
His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa #Karmapa




我們要保持心識平靜,讓我們的心平靜,不受情緒的干擾,這是很重要的。否則,如果我們的名字,我們的形象受到攻擊,雖然別人只是攻擊我們的名字,我們的形象 ,這只是鏡中的反射而不是我們的身體 ,我們仍然會感到傷害並引起不必要的混亂。


It is important that we keep our minds calm, that our minds are at peace and not disturbed by emotion. Otherwise, if our name, our image is attacked, then although others are just attacking our name, our image – just the reflection in the mirror and not even our physical body – we may still feel hurt and give rise to unnecessary commotion.





在動機方面,我們必須非常非常的貪婪- 我們想的是整個世界!我們想的是無量無數眾生,我們希望能利益所有眾生。



How do we balance taking care of ourselves, and being compassionate and taking care of others?


In terms of motivation, we have to be very, very greedy – we want to take on the whole world! We want to think of all the countless sentient beings. We want to benefit all of them.

So we have to be very ambitious. Now in terms of how do we go about it, today, tomorrow, day after? Very simple. We just at the moment accumulate merit and wisdom to help ourselves. Because at the moment, we don’t have the capacity or the ability to benefit all sentient beings. In all honesty, we don’t. We can try, but we will lose a lot of energy to accomplish anything. So instead, we help ourselves. When we help ourselves, we do so not with a selfish motive, but with the aim of helping myself in order to serve all other sentient beings.






Following the footsteps of Buddha, Gandhi and other great beings who have led the nonviolent way, we continue to believe in the gentle power of nonviolence.





When the will is there, when we come together with a student mind and a listening heart, understanding will naturally arise, and conflicts will naturally dissolve.




作為佛教徒,我們需要勇氣去理解並接受沒有真正、堅固或永恆的家 ,因此沒有什麼可以執著的。 從究竟來說,真正重要的是我們利用本有的智慧和慈悲心,即我們的內在財富來饒益眾生。


As Buddhists, we need the courage to understand and accept that there is no such thing as a real, solid or permanent home – and therefore nothing to be attached to. In absolute terms, what really matters is that we use our innate values of wisdom and compassion, our Inner Wealth, to benefit all living beings.



相互依賴是另一種方式來介紹空性 / 被調服的心其本質就像虛空



Everything happens due to a cause, and due to that cause there is that effect. Between the cause and effect, there also need to be the conditions, so you see, all these chains of dependency. So that is another way of showing that everything is impermanent, everything is empty.
Interdependence is another way to introduce the idea of emptiness. When we talk about emptiness, it can draw a lot of confused and unwanted thoughts, fear, and all kinds of unnecessary conclusions. So that’s why another way of interpreting it, is by using the word interdependence. Because when you say ‘interdependence’, it naturally shows that there is no one separate entity that is autonomous or independent. Each of the components must depend on another and therefore there is no singular entity. This is emptiness. Everything happens due to a cause, and due to that cause there is that effect. Between the cause and effect, there also need to be the conditions, so you see, all these chains of dependency. So that is another way of showing that everything is impermanent, everything is empty.


被調服的心其本質就像虛空。當一位修行者的心被調服時 , 他或她就是開悟。修行者的心,以及經驗到的輪迴,都不復存在,就像夢一樣。



The nature of a tamed mind is like space. When a practitioner’s mind is tamed – he or she is enlightened – the practitioner’s mind, as well as all of its experiences of samsara, both cease to exist, just like a dream.
It is important to notice the words, ‘like space,’ because space is used here only as an example, and one is not referring to space itself; otherwise it could mislead practitioners into misunderstanding enlightenment as great numbness.


誰可能是你的善知識 / 禪修的體驗




It is really a mystery who could be your spiritual friend. It could be anyone, so therefore we should never underestimate anyone. Of course, there are also guidelines in terms of identifying a spiritual friend who is on a Bodhisattva path. From every angle, from every corner, when you look at that person, that person has genuine compassion and a genuine wealth of a Bodhisattva’s ways of knowledge. Such a person is rare, but when you find this spiritual friend, you really have to cherish that, because that very friend is very precious… even Buddha has said that such a spiritual friend is far more precious than meeting the Buddha himself.






The experience of meditation is like getting into a character, like someone who’s forgotten his or her identity. Relying on this method called meditation seems to require the person to get into that character, all the while not realising that that very character is him or herself.



努力修行有機會證悟菩提心 / 覺知的重要

14 May



If we look at the past lineage masters of our Kagyu tradition, starting from the very founders of our lineage, we can see that they have become those great masters simply because of their effort, through sheer hard work and great effort. And so this is one trait that we as their descendants, one could say, must try to develop and put in hard work where it is needed, where it is truly needed. If we do that, then there is an opportunity where the realisation of Bodhicitta can actually happen. From then on, the journey becomes far smoother, far easier than we can imagine.



28 May



簡單來說,要培養覺知,就好像我們必須審視什麼是健康 ,好比對身體健康的良好飲食習慣或常作運動。就是那樣,我們必須問自己什麼會為心靈帶來健康。然後,透過運用佛菩薩教導我們的善知識,我們可以找到越來越多對我們心靈健康的東西。根據我們的能力逐漸地去應用這些知識,我們便會變得更健康、更健壯、更強壯、和更靈活 ,我們就能克服任何的困難。


#Karmapa on the importance of mindful awareness:

Awareness is very, very important. Without awareness, eventually we will open the doors to ignorance. Ignorance brings with it unnecessary or unhelpful tools in the attempt to solve our problems: attachment and anger. It is important to guard against these phenomena, so that’s why awareness is so important.

Very simply, we must develop awareness by examining what is healthy – just like examining a good diet or fitness routine for our physical body. Just like that, we have to ask ourselves what is healthy for our mind. Then, by using the knowledge that is shared by all of the Buddhas and bodhisattvas, we can find out more and more about what is healthy for our mind. And then, gradually, by applying the knowledge according to our capacity, we become healthier and healthier, fitter and fitter, stronger and stronger, and more flexible – and then we can overcome all difficulties.



彼此是屬於一個家庭 / 簡單來自於內心 / 菩提心的目的



All of us may not be related to each other by blood. Nevertheless, because we have a similar cause, because we all have similar aspirations and wishes, we are bound by that. We are bound by what we practice, we are bound by what we aspire to. So therefore, we are all another family for each other.






The source of simplicity comes from the heart. Whenever we are in turmoil, confusion, all kinds of difficult thoughts and circumstances arise. When we calm ourselves down, whether we are Buddhist or not, in the end we can find a middle ground where we can say that applying the simple things in our lives makes sense. In Buddhism, everything is really about making things simple, so that we can apply them in our everyday life.





The purpose of Bodhicitta is to generate a very kind and understanding intention or motivation for the benefit of all sentient beings.



皈依對象的真正意義 / 平等 / 修習禪定

我們需要明白以佛陀作為皈依對象的真正意義,當然我們可以依釋迦牟尼佛作爲對象- 或任何我們認為是神性的形像,這純粹只是一個參考,沒有別的。就好像其他概念一樣 – 它只不過是一種象徵,就好像自己本質的反映。


We need to realise that the idea of taking refuge in the Buddha – of course as a reference point we can think of the historical Buddha Shakyamuni – any form of what we think is a divinity, is simply a pure reference, nothing more. It’s just like any other concept – it is nothing more than a symbol, like a reflection of one’s own genuine qualities.


噶瑪巴- 平等:


Karmapa on equality:

The Buddhist theory is that the idea of equality can only come from seeing that there is no need for a great emphasis on a single self, but instead to see that all appearances are there due to causes and conditions, and due to dependencies. There is no particular self that stands out greater or better than the rest. When we focus, when we meditate, we can see this, both logically and from our experience.


可能要將注意力集中在某些善行或好的事情上是困難的,又或者要修習布施或忍辱並非容易。可能會有很多障礙。但是經常修習禪定,身心會變得很靈活、有能力,無論你想專注於什麼,你都可以專注上 – 無論你想要運用什麼,你都能夠輕易地運用上。


It may be difficult to tell the mind to focus on something meritorious or something good, or to practice generosity or apply patience – it is not always easy. There can be many disturbances. But when meditation is applied often and regularly, then both the body and the mind become so flexible, so able, that whatever you try to concentrate on, you will be able to concentrate on – and whatever you try to apply, you will be able to apply without any difficulty.



我們需要保持覺察一切 / 生命的目的是為了利益他人 / 將心放鬆

每次在飛機起飛前,都必須作全面的檢查 – 機翼、引擎以至所有一切。同樣地,時刻保持警惕並檢視自己身語意的狀態是非常崇高和重要的行為。因此,作為一個修行者,我們需要保持覺察一切,避免累積不必要的惡業。


Every time before a plane takes off, it has to be checked from top to bottom – the wings, the engine, everything. So in the same way it is very noble and important to be constantly on guard and check one’s own being. Hence, as a practitioner, one should be aware of everything so that one doesn’t accumulate unnecessary karma.


31 May

生命的目的是為了去理解生命。當我們明白生命時,我們會看到生命是為了利益他人。沒有什麼比這目的更重要,沒有什麼不好或難以理解的 – 就是這麼明顯且簡單,生命的目的是為了利益他人。

The purpose of life is to understand life. When we understand life, we see that this life is about benefiting others. There is nothing more, nothing negative or mysterious – it is plain and simple: to benefit others.



只要我們可以將心放鬆,只要我們可以安住在平靜並保持覺知 – 所有需要的就只是這些。然後其他的都會自然而然地發生。

As long as our mind is at rest, as long as we are calm and mindful – that’s everything that is needed. Then everything else will come naturally.



家庭對培養慈悲心的作用 /對不同現象進行審視


我認為我們的家庭 ,無論是有血緣的家族關係或是其他形式的家庭倫理關係 ,都是我們開始培養慈悲心的理想環境。



#Karmapa on the role of family to cultivate #compassion

I personally believe that our family – be it our immediate family or other forms of family – represents the ideal environment to begin our cultivation of compassion.

Regardless of our cultural background or social status, our family is the most fertile soil in which to grow our inherent seed of compassion so that it flourishes. It cannot grow without this fertile soil of the family. The very purpose of fertile soil is to cultivate seeds into a fully manifest, healthy plant. Thus the development of our innate compassion is intimately and interdependently linked to the fertile soil of our families.




例如,在我們的人生中, 我們可能將物質財富、權力或名譽等現象視為生命的要素。從佛教的觀點,我們會檢視這些是否有真正的意義。物質財富是永恆嗎?權力是永恆嗎?名譽是永恆嗎?這些真的能夠滿足我們的希望、我們的願望嗎?只有永恆不變的東西,像流自於我們內在財富的永恆快樂,才具有真正的意義。


Buddha’s teachings generally focus on the essence of phenomena. Buddhist philosophy can simply be summed up as extracting the essence of life. So therefore, there is a constant examination of different phenomena, and a search for true essence.

For example, in our lives, we might consider phenomena such as material wealth, power or fame as part of the essence of life. From a Buddhist perspective, we would always examine and see if any of these have any true essence. Is material wealth everlasting? Is power everlasting? Is fame everlasting? Do they truly fulfil our wishes, our aspirations? Only that which is timeless, like the Timeless Happiness that flows from tapping into our Inner Wealth, has true essence.



不要失掉追求和平的機緣 /轉向覺悟之道/修持慈悲心



We have all been born as human beings and as such we have the precious and unique opportunity to aspire to peace. Most beings wouldn’t even have this chance due to so many obstacles. So please don’t lose this opportunity to aspire for peace.






Right now, we have the conditions, we have the opportunities, we have the time, we have all the requirements to bend our thoughts towards the enlightened path.




In this ever-changing and brief, abrupt life, the only meaningful thing that we can achieve is compassion. Compassion is the only substantial thing we can leave behind for others, and it’s the only substantial thing that we can take with us. No matter how great the power, the financial fortune, the fame that we might amass, at the end of our life’s chapter, and on the journey from one life to another, compassion is the only gift that we can take with us and pass on to others


慈悲的種子 / 覺知的利益


By sowing seeds of compassion as each moment passes, we overcome various kinds of confusion without much struggle. By applying skilful means to avoid obstacles, we advance safely along the path of virtue, therefore making great use of this precious and fragile human existence. For example, in the midst of obstacles, by focusing on what we truly wish for, we help overcome whatever hardship is present.
We may remind ourselves that this cultivation of compassion can be achieved without much hard work. We can cultivate compassion while sitting, while walking, while sleeping. Applying these kinds of skilful means, we utilise every moment that can be spared within the limited physical world.




Karmapa on the benefits of mindfulness

The practice of mindfulness is one of the main practices that was introduced by the Lord Buddha, and I think it is an amazing and very skilful method. Without it, we would not be able to keep track of the positive actions or accumulations we have made yesterday or the day before. And then not knowing what is what, not knowing how to differentiate, it really makes things more and more complicated. So therefore, with the practice of mindfulness, one will be able to actually identify what is what, and truly see things as they are.




我對「自我」的定義,就是執著於一些根本不存在的東西,意思是有違我們能放下從不存在的東西的本性 ,就像昨日的我,今日並不存在。


#Karmapa’s definition of ego:

My definition of ego would be holding on to something that is not there at all, meaning going against the nature of our mind – which is to let go of the things that do not exist – such as yesterday’s self, which doesn’t exist today.




While carrying out all of our tasks, we need to accept that life is changing, life is fragile. We need to accept the conditions and carry our responsibilities, not by putting great pressure on ourselves but by accepting the simple facts, and then striving to live one moment at a time.


噶瑪巴 – 如何增長虔敬心




Karmapa on how devotion grows.

Devotion grows by seeing the benefit.

That’s why we ourselves have to make sure that we carry forward the practice of being decent human beings for as long as possible. And if we do that, then when others see that, then this will be the benefit to help grow their devotion.





While the seed of compassion is inherent within all of us, in order to cultivate compassion in ourselves and in the world around us, we first need a fertile soil – our family. It is up to all of us to find the courage to cultivate compassion, free of attachments, and seek unconditional care for all sentient beings.



和平是完全的覺知 / 保持健康的心識




Karmapa: Peace is Complete Awareness

Peace is complete awareness. In this state of awareness, we cultivate and combine compassion and wisdom. In this state of awareness, we are alive, awake, we take responsibility for our actions. In this state, we are not driven by emotion, we control our emotions and actions. In this state, we are patient, non-violent, we do not judge. In this state, we nurture our Inner Wealth – our innate values – and balance them with outer (material) wealth in a way that benefits all sentient beings. This is peace.


噶瑪巴- 保持健康的心識



#Karmapa – keeping a healthy mind

We very simply develop awareness by examining what is healthy, just like examining what is a good diet, a good fitness routine for our physical body. Just like that, we have to ask ourselves what is healthy for our mind, and then by using the knowledge that is given by all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, then we can find out more and more what is healthy for our mind. And then gradually, by applying the knowledge according to our capacity, we become healthier, fitter, stronger and more flexible, and then we can overcome all difficulties.



為什麼我們要慎言 / 發願和迥向的重要性




#Karmapa: why we must be watchful of our speech

One of the most important behaviours of a Bodhisattva is to always be kind and gentle, and to be a good example, and therefore one of the many things that a Bodhisattva has to be very watchful of is his or her speech.

噶瑪巴: 發願和迥向的重要性



#Karmapa on the importance of aspiration and dedication:

Once we have a very good and steady progression of aspiration and dedication, then every action, every thought that we accumulate becomes positive and becomes a practice. So then, whether we are walking, talking, sitting, or sleeping, everything becomes joyous, everything becomes meritorious. Therefore, it is very important to know how to make aspirations and dedicate.



May all of your aspirations for the benefit of beings be realised and all of your virtuous endeavours bear fruit.
