Category Archives: 大寶法王語錄

9 April 2018
Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa, shares the following message concerning tragic events over the weekend:
Dear dharma friends
This weekend, we witnessed unimaginable suffering.
More than 70 people were killed in a suspected chemical attack in Syria. In Canada, a crash involving a junior ice hockey team killed at least 14 people.
Young lives, innocent lives, have been taken from us in the most tragic of circumstances.
Let us pray for all those who have lost their lives. Let us pray for the parents, the families, and all those who mourn at this time. And let us pray for the end of violence, the end of suffering; and let us pray for peace for all sentient beings.
With compassion and prayers
Thaye Dorje
His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa #Karmapa


六種能獲得快樂的善巧 / 噶瑪巴對大家的祝願





#Karmapa: the 6 skilful means to be happy

Generosity, patience, ethics, effort, as well as meditation – all five of these are like a friend. They are the skilful means to generate happiness, compassion and loving-kindness. When these five skilful means are combined with wisdom, then one will be able to bring forth all of the wonderful qualities of the enlightened being.






#Karmapa’s aspiration for us all:
May all sentient beings, may all of us be liberated from the extremes of samsara and nirvana, and find the absolute way which is the middle path. May all of us reach the enlightened state, and enjoy the timeless bliss that is born out of the combination of wisdom and compassion.

All of us should make such wishes, such aspirations and dedications that with our actions, speech and thoughts, we will be able to benefit all limitless beings. We have the very seed of bodhicitta within us, which will never be separate from us. Being close to these absolute friends, wisdom and compassion, we can fully reach the state of enlightenment.



言語具有毀滅和治愈的能力 / 處理別人的憤怒或攻擊



「言語具有毀滅和治愈的能力。當言語充滿真誠和仁慈, 它就可以改變我們的世界。」
As Buddha Shakyamuni, the founder of Buddhism says,

‘Words have the power to both destroy and heal. When words are both true and kind, they can change our world’.

#Karmapa #wisdom #kindness





To deal with someone else’s anger or aggression, the best method is simply to meditate on compassion and loving-kindness, because, it seems that the aggression that one experiences from others has to do with, not having dealt with one’s own consciousness’ stream.


噶瑪巴: 保持清明的心



#Karmapa: keep a clear mind

With a mind disturbed by emotion, we are at risk of thoughts, words and actions that may increase any suffering and damage already caused. With a clear mind, we are in a better position to serve and benefit those who are suffering, as well as others who are affected. This is one of the many reasons why prayer and meditation is so important.



利益他人的想法 / 面對困難有助我們成長

20 June


利益他人的想法是我們自然會產生的念頭。如果有好榜樣, 或有老師提醒我們這個本質,都是有幫助的。然而,它是天生固有的,所以我們很容易便會生起利益別人的念頭。



The idea of wanting to benefit others is a quality that comes very naturally to us. It always helps to have an example, to have a teacher to remind us of this quality. However, it is innately there, so it is easy for us to relate to this idea.

In terms of a practical way of engaging with this, we have to think of all sentient beings, and it starts with all those that are near or close to us. In a way it is helpful, practical, and much more effective to begin like this, to focus on the nearest individuals. Afterwards, by continuing, persisting and putting effort into maintaining that attitude, engaging in supporting others becomes easier. I think that the benefit is not only for now, not only for the moment, but it brings peace and meaning in one’s life, and at all times.


24 June


從菩薩的角度來看,我們現在所面對的困難,就是我們“偉大的老師”,就像如意寶珠一樣,因為它們幫助我們成長和進步。它們是“願望實現的挑戰”、“願望實現的老師”。我們面對的所有障礙 – 無論是在健康、身心方面,或是有關我們的收入,我們的生活 – 基本上是日常生活中的任何困難,挑戰或障礙 – 所有這一切,如果我們帶著正念面對他們,便可以幫助我們成長。


The difficulties we face can help us grow.

The difficulties that we face right now, from a Bodhisattva’s perspective, are what is known as ‘great teachers,’ like wish-fulfilling jewels, because they help us to grow and develop. They are ‘wish-fulfilling challenges,’ ‘wish-fulfilling teachers.’ All of the obstacles that we face – be it health-wise; with regard to our mental development; or concerning our income; our livelihood – well, basically any difficulties, challenges or obstacles concerning day-to-day life – all of it, if we can take it the right way, can really, really help us to grow.



業力/ 作一個良好的榜樣






10 June

#Karmapa explains Karma:

When causes and conditions come together, then it produces a result. That is the mechanism. If those conditions are not met or not proper, for example if there is no seed, or if there is a rotten seed, no matter how much you try to bring in positive conditions, such as by trying to give sunlight, water or fertiliser, it will never work.

So there has to be a seed and also the proper conditions are required. When all the things are there, then it works, it is flawless, it is inevitable. In the whole of the universe, it is the greatest law.






#Karmapa: Be a good example

We all have a child nature inside us, no matter what stage of life we are in. When we say to a child ‘go to sleep,’ of course it doesn’t work. Instead, children will learn actually mostly through watching what others do, how others walk, talk, behave and express. They are always watching. This is why, no matter where we are in life’s journey, since we still have this kind of child nature in us, all it takes for that person to change is for them to see a good example. And then the habit takes over and they want to mimic and imitate that. So if we wish for something or someone to change, we have to be a good example.



內在財富一詞 / 當你感到迷惘和困惑時 / 不要對自己太嚴苛

2 June




Inner Wealth is a term used to describe your innate values of compassion and wisdom.

Compassion and wisdom might seem to belong to spirituality and have nothing to do with wealth. However, we are so used to connecting wealth to material resources that we have lost sight of its relevance for other things like loving kindness and other non-material values.


8 June



當然,還有無數的偉人向我們示現了許多 – 實際上是他們人生的每一步。所以只要經常翻閲他們的故事,就能啟發我們有所領悟。


#Karmapa – what to do when you feel lost and confused

Whenever you feel a little bit confused and lost, always go back to the teachings, always go back to the practice. And it also helps to also revisit the life stories of great Bodhisattvas, great beings, such as that of the Great Marpa, the Great Mila and the Great Gampopa. Those are great examples.

Of course, there are countless other great beings who have shown us so much – actually every step of the way. So just brushing up on their life stories from time to time will help us develop inspiration.


14 June



#Karmapa: don’t be too hard on yourself

While carrying out all our tasks, we need to accept that life is changing, life is fragile. We need to accept the conditions and carry our responsibilities, not by putting great pressure on ourselves but by accepting the simple facts, and then striving to live one moment at a time.




依佛菩薩之修行路 / 我們是有力量和選擇在菩薩道上修行


依佛菩薩之修行路,是有方法和途徑讓我們專注於積累和致力於無限、無量、幾乎是無窮的利益。沒有別的,就是運用我們的「Changchub sem” (藏語), 或「菩提心」(梵語),英文譯作「覺悟的心」或「發菩提心達致覺悟境界」。


According to the ways of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, there is a method or a way where we can focus on accumulations and dedicate them, aiming them towards something that is timeless, towards something that is immeasurable, towards something that is almost unlimited in terms of its benefit. And that method would be none other than using or directing our mind towards what is known as ‘changchub sem’ in Tibetan or ‘bodhicitta’ in Sanskrit, the English translation of which is ‘enlightened mind’, or the generating of our own mind towards enlightened phenomena.


6 月6日



We have the power and choice to journey on the path of a Bodhisattva. We can not control all of the conflict in our world, but we can control our response to it. We can help ensure that we do not create more harm, we do not cause more commotion, but instead prepare for peace by letting go of grasping, by keeping the mind calm and tapping into the eternal pool of compassion and wisdom that lies within all of us. For it is within this pool, this Inner Wealth, that lies the source of peace.



每天只需五分鐘 / 如何輕鬆地克服挑戰

9 May






Taking 5 minutes a day

It is beneficial to reflect every day on what we are really seeking, theconditions that we have been gathering, and the methods that we have been applying. There is no harm in taking a little time every day from our schedules. We can start by taking just five minutes a day – it’s not much – and the practice itself doesn’t need to involve intensive methods or rigorous procedures. All we need to do is sit, or stand in a place where we feel comfortable, quiet and peaceful.

Then, simply meditate and reflect, with a calm state of mind and body. Reflect on the past 24 hours – nothing more – reflect on exactly what has happened. Do this in an unemotional way, without judgment. By doing so, there is so much benefit. You will understand more about yourself, the various interesting aspects of your life. Not only will this help your memory, gain clarity, but it can truly help you understand yourself, and the true nature of happiness.

I encourage all of you to try this. I follow this practice as much as I can, and it definitely brings a lot of benefit. It helps me to understand exactly where I am, what I have experienced in the past, and by doing so it also helps me understand what may happen, the possibilities. In this way, this simple practice can help us understand the past, the present and the future.

We feel confident, and can gain an insight into happiness.



31 May




How to overcome challenges without struggle

By sowing seeds of compassionate understanding as each moment passes, we are able to overcome various kinds of confusion without much struggle. Obstacles are easily avoided and we advance safely along the path of virtue, making great use of this precious and fragile human existence. For example, in the
midst of obstacles, by focusing on our innermost wishes, this will help us to overcome arising mental and physical challenges.



發願和無私奉獻 / 心識的本質




18 April

Aspiration and dedication: these two are such skilful means, such unsurpassable phenomena or qualities of the mind that, where it would normally take an eon to accumulate a certain amount of merit, with aspiration and dedication we are able to reduce that eon of hard work to just one lifetime.




如果一個修行者仔細觀察自己的心識,會察覺很明顯地心識是念念相續不斷 ,非常困難發現或描述它有一個起點。




25 April

#Karmapa on the nature of our minds

If a practitioner looks at his or her mind closely, it’s clear that it simply moves forward, constantly – it is very very hard to detect or to describe a beginning in its movement.

This shows that the mind’s nature is never to hold on or cling to something (like the dream which is samsara). The moment the practitioner allows their mind to try to hold on or cling to something, both the immediate and long-term repercussions will be to experience agitation, meaning suffering (‘dukkha’) or confusion.

Therefore, just these simple facts show the practitioner that their mind is never meant to hold on to dreams or hold on to samsara, and that whoever has a consciousness or a mind, it is naturally supposed to wake from the dream and move forward towards enlightenment.



永恆的喜悅 / 內在財富





13 April

Timeless Happiness is gained from understanding our own inherent qualities, such as compassion and loving kindness, and gaining wisdom about our true nature. When we reflect on the nature of this type of happiness, we find something unchanging, permanent – and therefore worthwhile to seek.








21 April

#Karmapa on Inner Wealth:

From a Buddhist perspective, we have a broader view of the types of wealth that exist. There is Material Wealth, but there is also Inner Wealth. Inner Wealth is timeless, and in this sense it is the opposite of Material Wealth. Inner Wealth is the rich pool of compassion, wisdom and other non-material values that lies within us.

All of these values are in front of us, within us, but because we lack the experience of drawing upon Inner Wealth, we tend to look to the outside too easily. We lack balance, we do not feel whole, partly because we are considering our wealth and success solely in terms that are by their nature limited and exhausting. When we have an understanding and experience of Inner Wealth, we are able to strike a balance with Material Wealth and feel whole again.




如何找到平衡 / 不陌生的內在財富





8 March

How to find balance

We have to find a balance. The real balance is accepting change as change. The extremes we could fall into are thinking that ‘this is not it’ or thinking ‘there is something more’. Thinking either way deviates us from the truth. The truth is that change is change, impermanence is impermanence. It really is that simple.






13 March

Inner Wealth is not something foreign to you – from the moment of birth, the experience of compassion and wisdom has always been there, from the very first moments in your life, in your relationships with parents, guardians or friends – these are the first things that you faced. If there is no compassion and wisdom, there is no life. You cannot survive without love. In this way, Inner Wealth is a basic human need, just like air, food, water and shelter.



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菩薩的行為和菩薩的態度 / 慈悲心是我們最好的武器


為拯救他人不要遇溺,我們必先確保自己不會遇溺。我們本身需懂得游泳。所以,如果學習游泳的背後是一種利益他人的推動(在我們的情況而言是利益有情眾生的動機),那就是菩薩行- 菩薩行為和菩薩的態度。

21 March
In order to save someone from drowning, we must first make sure that we do not drown. We have to be able to swim. So, if the act of learning how to swim is motivated by a beneficial cause (in our case, the motivation of wanting to benefit sentient beings) then it is a Bodhisattva practice – a Bodhisattva act and Bodhisattva attitude.







24 March

Compassion is the best weapon we have

No matter what kind of aggression we feel, the best weapon that we have as human beings is compassion.

This doesn’t mean that we have to constantly offer our cheeks to be slapped, but instead we can very skilfully express this compassion by having great patience, by bearing all the difficulties that we might face.

Compassion can really overcome all forms of obstacles. Of course, that doesn’t mean that suddenly life radically changes and that everything is alright. But somehow, through that practice of compassion, life makes sense. It makes sense to live, it makes sense to move forward, it makes sense to do anything.


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死亡後的延續 /接受無常





#Karmapa on life after death

In general, although the body does decay at the end of one’s life, the stream of one’s consciousness goes further onwards, if there is a cause. Most of the time, there is a cause, either by karma or by aspirations, but for most of us, by karma.

Whatever the case, if there is a cause for the mind to continue its stream, then whatever that mind has learned or understood during one particular lifetime, all of that is never wasted or lost, it carries on forward.




The key is to accept that everything is change, meaning yesterday is gone. The past is past. This is what ‘accepting impermanence’ means. The answer lies there.

To convince ourselves or to be able to ‘sell’ this idea, we need proof, a guarantee. If you look at all the experienced ones, actual Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, they are that very proof. But if even they are not convincing enough, then I will personally vouch that it does work, and that it does not take long. It does not take aeons, it does not take years or days even. It works right here, right now. All you have to do is truly give in to change, give in to impermanence, and give in to that truth. That’s all it takes!


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連結眾生的慈悲 /非物質價值觀能利益所有人

18 February



無論我們來自那裡,身在何處,什麼的背景,我們都能實踐慈悲。更重要的是它能有助我們處理每天的事情。所以,從佛陀初期轉法輪到後期轉法輪所宣説的密乘或金剛乘, 一直以來佛法修行者基本上修習的就是慈悲與智慧。

#Karmapa: compassion connects us all

The practice of compassion is common to all sentient beings, even animals, so of course it goes without saying that it is common to all human beings. Compassion is a wonderful practice because it is a quality that is there in all of us, without enforcing any kind of religion or philosophy, and it can be applied by anyone.

No matter where we come from, where we are, what kind of background we have, the practice of compassion is something that we can all apply. And most importantly, it becomes very useful when we have to deal with daily activities. So of course, with the Buddhist practice, actually from the very first yanas of the Buddhist practice to the latest – what is known as Sangngag (Secret Mantra) or Vajrayana practice – till then, the Buddhist practitioner basically specializes in the field of compassion and wisdom.


(Photo/Magda Jungowska)

25 February



#Karmapa: non-material values help all of us

When we support the development of non-material values, we can see clearly how values such as nonviolence, compassion, dignity, community and family can help build a more balanced and beneficial future for all of us.



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萬物在變 / 認識一個人從他們的幽默感開始

2 月9日




一切和合事物所指的是輪迴和涅槃裡的一切。輪迴中的事物大部份都是我們所認識的;解脫性的行(音讀:恆) 業所指的是觀音菩薩、慈悲、智慧、止觀等等的修持。
9 February
#Karmapa: everything is change.

We need to absorb and make sense of the fact that everything is in flux. This change is the productivity that we are supposed to gain, whether we are on a physical or mental journey. We have to come to understand that everything is change. Everything is, in fact, truly impermanent. In some way, at least, we have seen it; we might not be able to pinpoint exactly how we saw it, but we got a sense and a taste of it, which is the main thing.

That is why I think the teaching of the Buddha, when he says ‘all compounded phenomena are impermanent’, is relevant when we recite Refuge; when we practice our breathing meditation or exercise; when we practice Chenrezig; or when we help someone by offering them a glass of water or a helping hand.

It can cover all angles, all aspects of life, whether we practice or do something as simple as brushing our teeth, which we usually view as a repetitive daily process or habit. However, these activities too are meaningful, because they all have the potential to lead us to the recognition that ‘everything is change, everything is impermanent’.

All compounded things, in this case means everything within samsara and everything within nirvana. Samsaric things are mostly the things that we have known so far; nirvanic things refer to the practice of Chenrezig, compassion, wisdom, meditation, and so on.


(Photo/Salva Magaz)



16 February

To know someone, start with their sense of humor

When we have different people from different regions, different countries, the first thing that we must learn is, of course, the pleasantries. But, for me, I always thought that the best way to learn another country’s language is by learning their way of thinking, their culture, but most of all their humor, and how they understand their humor. Because I think their humor is really based on how they see things. It really depends on their perspective of life. So learning their humor, I think is probably the first step. So in language classes in schools, perhaps one of the first things should be about learning other countries’ humor!

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