如何體驗究竟的富足 / 接受變化

karmapa-fb13111613 nov



#Karmapa on How To Experience Absolute Prosperity

The practice of true kindness and genuine wisdom is a means to eradicate both the causes of and conditions for an i individual’s physical and mental poverty. The effect is that the individual gains the state of absolute cessation, which is absolute prosperity.


(Photo/Magda Jungowska)

25 nov


Accepting Change
We somehow have to find a way to accept that form is form, impermanence is impermanence, change is change. Change is not something else. So, in a way, it is very simple: we do not have to do anything elaborate or complicated. All we have to do is accept what it is. We do not have to be sophisticated and think ‘Maybe it is not the obvious thing that we see, maybe there is something more’ or ‘Maybe this is not it, because it is too simple’. So we have to find a balance. The real balance is accepting change as change.


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