為什麼沒有不帶苦的樂 / 我們的聯繫

13 January




#Karmapa On Why There is No Joy Without Pain

Pain and joy are – like light and darkness – two sides of the same medal. They are interdependent and inseparably connected to each other. When painting a picture or taking a photograph, if there is no light and no darkness, there is no picture and there is no painting. It is the very contrast of light and darkness that brings out the beauty and the colour.


19 January



#Karmapa on the Connections that Bind Us

There is a very interesting Tibetan term in Buddhism called ‘tendrel’, which means something like ‘interdependent origination’, signifying that phenomena originate due to interdependent connection. We are all connected in many, many ways. We each have these seeds of peace within us, and together we can cultivate loving kindness.


(Photo/Norbu Zangpo)


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