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第十七世大寶法王噶瑪巴泰耶多傑的新春祝福 2024 年藏曆新年

February 9, 2024

在 2024 年藏曆新年之際,第十七世大寶法王噶瑪巴泰耶多傑的新春祝福



Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa, shares the following message on the occasion of Losar, Tibetan New Year, 2024.

May the Wish-Fulfilling Wheel of White Tara,
The embodiment of All-Accomplishing Wisdom
Grant us longevity, prosperity, and wisdom.
On this occasion of the beginning of the Male Wood Dragon year, I would like to offer greetings and a wish for all of us.
It is completely up to us how we would like to view this so-called “life”. Nevertheless, it may be inspiring to view it as out opportunity to generate and enjoy both temporary happiness and ultimate happiness, which arises from the combination of our effort and the Buddha’s blessings.
Therefore, may our realisation of Buddha-nature grow effortlessly for the beauty of the enlightened lineage and to complement the happiness of sentient beings.
Karmapa Trinley Thaye Dorje



蔣貢仁波切 2024年1 月訪港

好消息! 最尊貴的 蔣貢仁波切 將會在2024年1 月中訪港。 本中心誠意邀請 蔣貢仁波切 主持長壽佛灌頂法會、普巴金剛灌頂法會及佛學講座等。 這是難得的機會,希望師兄、法友們抽空參加這殊勝的法會。

 為方便中心安排,有意報名的師兄法友,請私訊我們,如有任何查詢,請聯絡中心職員 55071138。 謝謝

第十七世大寶法王 對於 他的上師第十四世法王昆津夏瑪仁波切圓寂的開示


10 June 2023
















Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa, shares the following message regarding the Parinirvana of his teacher, His Holiness the 14th Kunzig Shamar Rinpoche.

Dear Dharma friends,

Tomorrow marks the 9th anniversary of the Parinirvana of our great teacher, His Holiness the 14th Kunzig Shamar Rinpoche, according to the Western calendar. Like every year, many of us will mark this day by offering prayers, lighting butter lamps, reciting mantras, and accomplishing the practice of Guru Yoga.

I have been giving some thought to why we commemorate the Parinirvana of great Bodhisattvas such as Shamar Rinpoche, and I would like to share some of my thoughts with you:

Buddhas or Bodhisattvas for themselves have no motive to be remembered. It’s only for the sake of those of us who wish to be awakened that we remember them; that we remember their awakened state, so to speak.

We are constantly consumed by our dreams – our dreams of tomorrows.

However, it’s important to know that Buddhas and Bodhisattvas haven’t decreed that there is no tomorrow, nor that there is. We, as fervent practitioners, are often puzzled, believing that they meant to say that we aren’t allowed to dream; that that’s what the practice is about.

But how they have awakened was or is somehow far simpler and subtler than we think. We are allowed to dream – but we need to understand that without awakening there is no dream. Dreams and awakenings go hand in hand.

If we allow awakening by not forcing it, dreaming becomes harmonious. Mind you, ‘not forcing it’ doesn’t mean that we don’t practice. One could almost say, “We must practice to see if we need to practice at all” – meaning that through practicing fervently we come to realise that practice was a method for us to realise that awakening doesn’t require effort.

One can’t teach a dreamer not to dream – yet one can give the dreamer a method to realise that dreams end through awakening. And, therefore, give him the privilege to say, “Wow! What a dream!”

So if anything, commemorate the allowance of yourself (your karma) and the acceptance of the other (Buddha’s blessings), and understand that these two interdependent factors give rise to both dreaming and to awakening.

We may be dreaming as tormented beings, frustrated beings, ignoring beings, sober beings, angry beings, or beings of ecstasy – all of these dream states are neither due to time nor due to some other force. All of them were allowed by none other than ourselves. And the so-called Buddhas have completely accepted our allowance of these various states, like loving mothers. Their complete acceptance is indicated by the depictions in the Wheel of Life, where a Buddha is shown to be present in all the six realms, as a symbol of their ever-present, never-waning blessing.
Buddhas are not judges and executioners, you see – they let sentient beings be, knowing that by themselves they will eventually be bored out of their minds by dreaming all these fantastic dreams.

So if we ‘must’ focus, then we must focus on the nature of our dreams. Can we call it a dream at all without awakening? Why are we afraid of awakening? Will awaking somehow cause our identity to cease?

Surely, the Buddhas’ blessings are present – if they weren’t we wouldn’t be dreaming, so to speak. So there is no fault in dreaming, nor is there a fault in awakening. It’s our privilege to both dream and to awaken.

With that in mind, dear Dharma friends, kindly practice.

With prayers
His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa Trinley Thaye Dorje


第十七世大寶法王 對 最近在奧裡薩邦發生的火車事故分享以下消息

4 June 2023



當我得知上週五奧裡薩邦火車事故的悲慘消息時,我深感悲痛。 這是印度二十多年來最嚴重的鐵路災難,造成近三百人死亡及1一千多人受傷。





如果我們能善用這種思維方式, 這類無常的提醒可以幫助我們接受現在的處境,並讓我們明白根深蒂固的控制欲一直以來都只是一種幻覺。 因此,即使是最具挑戰性的情況,也能成為趣向解脫的增上緣。



Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa, shares the following message concerning the recent rail disaster in Odisha, India.

Dear Dharma friends,

I was deeply saddened when I learned of the tragic train accident that took place in Odisha last Friday. It was the worst rail disaster in over two decades in India, with nearly 300 people dead and over 1,000 injured.

My fervent prayers are dedicated to all the victims of this tragedy – the deceased, the injured and the bereaved alike.

Apart from the train crash, over the past few weeks and months, we have witnessed a host of natural disasters across the world – devastating floods, landslides, cyclones and hurricanes, wildfires, earthquakes: hardly a week goes by without news of such tragedies reaching our ears, not to mention the various man-made disasters, such as wars, mass shootings, terrorist attacks, as well as the ever-escalating climate crisis.

All of these tragedies are causing tremendous suffering to countless sentient beings, humans and non-humans alike, and in the face of such pain and loss we cannot help but experience a sense of grief and helplessness.

However, as practitioners of the Buddha Dharma, we should never give in to hopelessness completely, but rather use such happenings as prompts to deepen our understanding of the Buddha’s teachings, in particular the ephemeral nature of life and the inevitability of death.

If we can use them in this way, such reminders of impermanence can help us accept the condition we are in and lead us to the understanding that our deep-rooted sense of control has always been an illusion. In this way, even the most challenging conditions can become our friends on the path towards liberation.

At the same time, let us think of all those who are experiencing tremendous pain and loss, and let us dedicate our aspirations and our merit to them, so that they may find the peace and happiness they were always yearning for.

With prayers

Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa



洽美仁波切禪坐共修開示 (續 2022 年 8 月 22 日)

洽美仁波切禪坐共修開示 (續 2022 年 8 月 22 日)




話、無聊的話題、 要講是講非時,就要去認出它。若果它不是出於妒忌、憤怒、嗔恨,那是可以
因為若果你不說話, 若果你只是聽著,然後甚麼都不說,那你的朋友、其他人或你的同事,都會




切,以及執著我的所有東西。據說只有三種心識執著的方式。 執著的意思是執著外界事物。當你



















第十七世大寶法王 在 2023年藏曆新年分享的訊息

February 20, 2023





( 如果我們認為有意義的生命,就是通過努力能獲得快樂的話,那麼我們確實可以讓這種“實行”的感覺存在。






Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa, shares the following message on the occasion of Losar, Tibetan New Year, 2023.

On this occasion of the beginning of the Female Water Hare year, I would like to offer greetings and a wish for all of us.

It is completely up to us how we would like to view this so-called “life”. Nevertheless, it may be inspiring to view it as our opportunity to generate and enjoy both temporary happiness and ultimate happiness, which arises from the combination of our effort and the Buddha’s blessings.

Therefore, may our realisation of Buddha-nature grow effortlessly for the beauty of the enlightened lineage and to complement the happiness of sentient beings.

(If we feel that life has meaning when happiness is acquired from our efforts, then we can indeed allow that sense of “doing”.

If we feel that life has meaning when happiness is acquired from the blessings of others then we can allow that sense of “happening” too.

If we view the “doing” with a calm and clear heart, we can never say from where it begins, and if we view the “happening” with a calm and clear heart we can never say where it ends.
They both seem to blend with the other like a dream.

The beauty of these allowances of flow is that, no matter where they may lead to, simply letting them flow in a carefree way may be the beauty and the luxury of human life.

Don’t you wonder if the Tathagata or the Buddhas are hinting something like that to us, in infinite ways? Isn’t that practice the lineage of the Awakened Ones? Wouldn’t that practice caress and soothe the busy, busy sentient beings?

I would like to think so. )


第十七世大寶法王 於 敘利亞和土耳其邊境最近發生地震後 的哀悼信息

February 10,2023






唯一能記起的是,生命真的很脆弱。 令人遺憾的是,似乎只有如此震撼人心的悲劇才能喚醒我們對無常的覺受。





然而,沒有人真正活著,存在,徘徊在“這裡”。 沒有人真正死去、失去、消失在“那裡”。

“這裡”和“那裡”都只是我們人類的觀念。 以這種方式表達並沒有錯,這正是我們所做的。





然而,作為人類,我們有這個奢侈,仍然有機會說“我愛你”。 即使我們從未分開過,我們仍可以奢侈地說“我不想和你分開”。
例如,當我們要求某人為我們祈禱時,祈禱根本從來不缺少,儘管如此,我們仍然提出願望。 在某種程度上,這就是它美妙之處。
就是這樣,概念幫了我們很多,因為沒有概念,我們永遠不會知道我們有多愛彼此。 事實是,在我們有概念之前,我們一直彼此相愛,但正是這些概念幫助我們理解到這些事實。



簡而言之,我想傳達的是,欣賞你的概念,但不要乞求它們把事情帶回原來的樣子,不要要求它們倒帶。 不要錯用概念試圖找出誰對你的痛苦來負責,不要用它來指責。





所以,我並不是要說你必須堅強,你必須活下去,你必須要勇敢,這樣的話就好像悲劇是真實的,好像你和你所愛的人真的分開了,你真的被遺棄和迷失了一樣 。


我們不必試圖變得堅強,好像我們很虛弱一樣。 我們不必努力活著,好像我們正在死去一樣。 我們不必勇敢,好像我們缺乏勇氣一樣。 我們從來就不需要如此。




Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa, shares this message of condolence after the recent earthquake on the border of Syria and Turkey.

Dear Dharma friends,

It is with deep sorrow that I have been following the developments after the devastating earthquake that hit the border area between Turkey and Syria last Monday.

As I write these lines, the death toll has risen to over twenty-one thousand, and tens of thousands more have been injured, not to speak of all those who have become homeless, and have lost the very basis of their material existence.

Words don’t do justice to how one feels for those who are experiencing such calamity, and even prayers seem to feel weak in the face of such suffering.

The only thing that one can recall is that life is truly fragile; and it’s sad that only such potent tragedies seem to be able to wake us up to a genuine sense of impermanence.

However, this may be an opportunity to realise that impermanence is the reality and that, in a curious way, this impermanence is also the place where we can find solace: impermanence shows us that none of us were ever here in the first place, and that therefore no one truly perishes, as there is no one really here to perish.

We can’t help but feel that the loved ones we have lost are ‘gone’ to an unknown place, and that we are ‘alive’ on a different plane, and that therefore we feel separated, apart and stranded.
I feel that impermanence is one of the aspects of life that indicate to us – and in a way through us – that it is futile to attempt to bring back what we have lost, and that we must live with the pain of loss.

I feel that life is calling to us through impermanence, indicating that the word ‘lost’ or the thought of ‘separation’ is only that – a word, a thought – and nothing else.

So please try to find a way to not only know but feel that we are only separated by words, thoughts, and concepts.
Concepts do symbolise being together, being alive, being connected. That is their beauty.

However, no one is truly living, alive, lingering ‘here’. No one is truly dead and lost, gone ‘there’.
Being ‘here’ and ‘there’ are concepts only expressed by us humans. And there is nothing wrong with expressing ourselves the human way. That’s what we do.

Nevertheless, being human also means having the courage to understand that we can’t ask our concepts to bring back our loved ones, to rewind or to dwell on ‘what-ifs’.
We have to let go of the concepts of the loved ones and the concept of them being lost.

Instead of crying and begging our concepts to bring back things to the way they were, we must find a way to let the concepts go, and cherish what they gave us, all the beautiful memories they have provided us.

In this way we can come to realise that if we feel apart it’s only an expression: an expression of how we never want to be separate and how we wish to never be apart.

But we don’t have to believe that we are truly apart, because without concepts we were never apart to begin with.

Yet, it is our luxury as human beings that we have opportunities to say “I love you” still. We have the luxury of saying “I don’t want to be apart from you”, even though we have never been apart.
For example, when we ask somebody to pray for us, it is already a given that there will never be a shortage of prayer – nevertheless, we still formulate the wish. And in a way, that’s the beauty of it.
In this way, concepts have done so much for us, since without concepts we will never know how much we love each other. The reality is that we have always loved each other, way before we knew concepts, but it’s concepts that have helped us understand that very fact.

It’s the same for all aspects of life, and it’s unfortunate that we come to this realisation only when shaken by great tragedies, and that the small things, the small details in life didn’t manage to shake us or wake us.

And so therefore, the experience of being separated that we are getting now is yet another help from our concepts: the opportunity to realise that we are never truly apart.

In short, what I’m trying to convey is this: appreciate your concepts, but don’t beg them to bring back things to the way they were, don’t ask them to rewind. And don’t misuse concepts by trying to find who is responsible for your pain, don’t use them to cast blame.

If we misuse concepts in this way, by trying to bring back things to the way they were or by casting blame, we will not find any sense of solace or control, because concepts were never meant to do that.

It is natural for thoughts like “How will I live now?” and for feelings of being alone, afraid, lost and apart to arise at times like this. When these thoughts and emotions arise we can allow them, because they are just unique ways of really saying, “I wish I was never apart, and I miss you dearly”.

Therefore, the only solace or comfort we can find is in the understanding that we never were apart.

If you remember the looks from your loved ones’ eyes, if you remember their touches, especially during moments when no words were being said, then these memories can give us a glimpse of the truth: that we never really needed concepts to know that love was always there.

And in this way, we might come to realise that concepts were just decorating the already beautiful flowers.

And so, I’m not trying to say that you must be strong, you must live, you must be brave, as if the tragedy were real, as if you and your loved ones were truly apart and you were truly left behind and lost.

We don’t have to try to be strong, as if we were weak. We don’t have to try to live, as though we were dying. We don’t have to be brave, as if we lacked courage. We were never meant for any of that.

Instead, we can simply cherish and appreciate all the beautiful memories that our concepts have given us.

And say a heartfelt ‘fare well’ to the concepts for letting us realise that we were never apart in the first place.

With prayers
Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa




16 January 2023 於新德里












Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa, shares the following message on the passing of His Eminence Luding Khenchen Rinpoche.

Dear Dharma friends,

The supreme Luding Khenchen of Ngor, Dorje Chang Jamyang Tenpei Nyima, has entered Parinirvana.

As is the case with great Bodhisattvas, this departure-like display of the resorption of their Nirmanakaya into the Dharmadhatu is a skilful method applied for our sake, and stemming from none other than their Bodhicitta or Bodhi heart.

The feeling of sorrow we experience due to this Parinirvana is natural and in no way wrong. The blessings of such great Bodhisattvas have the power to wake us up from our delusion of permanence, and push us to seek the path of the Bodhisattvas – the practice of the Buddha Dharma.

Therefore, we must not hinder ourselves from this experience of sorrow. Yet, we should also not let this sorrow be tainted by our afflictive emotions, such as feeling lost and alone in this world. Instead, we must allow this sorrow to open our heart to realise that there is nothing to hold on to in this cyclic world.

Nevertheless, from my humble recollection of the life example of this glorious and precious teacher, I meditate his enlightened presence at the centre of the mandala of my prayers, and in thisway draw his blessings into each of our hearts.

All of our monastic communities are performing prayers and rituals and trying to live their spiritual lives to the best of their abilities, so as to fulfil the intent of the aspirations of the teacher.

It is our fortune to have had the opportunity to be able to receive teachings, initiations, and instructions from a being like him – a spiritual master who is in essence an enlightened being but in presence displays the form of a Bodhisattva.

May we, in one way or another, be able to follow in his footsteps.

With prayers,
Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa


洽美仁波切的禪修開示 – 2022-08-22

22/8/2022 Chagmay Rinpoche’s 3rd Talk on Meditation (2)

二零二二年八月二十二日洽美仁波切的禪修開示 (2)


About post-meditation, in Gampopa’s book, it says that we should avoid idle talk and useless chatter, how do I distinguish it from socializing?




Yeah, I mean, basically, gossiping. Gossiping, or useless talk, everything, is also included in the ten unvirtuous deeds. Basically, the result of all these talks, useless talks, and gossiping, it takes you further and further and further away from practice. That is the negative result of these qualities. But when you say, when you have to socialize, and then talk, there is one saying, that is quite useful: if you know it is useless talk, there is always skillful methods that can be applied towards that certain moment, or every day in our lives. Because we live in a community, so on. If we recognize that we have to use the useless talks, useless topics, you know, just gossiping, to recognize that. If it is not coming from jealousy, anger, or hatred, that is fine, I mean, if you notice. Because when people talk, usually, gossiping, it is either coming from jealousy, or hatred, or anger, or you know, it is always coming from these. When we talk about someone else, it is either because, there is some jealousy, or hatred, or anger. So if these qualities is not within your mind, this is how you distinguish gossiping…but, still gossiping, but not gossiping. When you socialize with people, and then everyone is talking this and that, I mean, you can add on a few sentences, just to make everyone happy too. Because if you don’t talk, and if you just listen, listen, listen, and then don’t say anything, that would be weird too with your friends, or anyone, your colleagues. That’s why I say, skillful methods can be applied in our everyday lives. Skillful methods is knowing, but at the same time, adapting. And then if you can become skillful, I mean, if you can become used to using these kinds of methods, then you can have opposite effects on the others too, you can have positive effects on others as well. If you are gossiping, and then if the negative qualities are not arising within you, then it is okay. Okay meaning, it is good for you, because you don’t go into that quality. 


是的,基本上是講是非。講是非或無用的談話等等都是被包含在十不善業之中。這些談話的結果會使你遠離修行,與修行之路越來越遠。這就是負面的結果。但若果你說,你需要因為社交而談話,那有一個頗為有用的做法:當你知道將要講無意義的談話,其實有善巧的方法,可以在特定的時候運用,或在我們日常的生活中應用,因為我們都在社區裏生活。若果我們察覺到我們要講無意義的話、無聊的話題、 要講是講非時,就要去認出它。若果它不是出於妒忌、憤怒、嗔恨,那是可以的,當然是若果你能察覺到的話。因為當人們談話、講是非,通常都是出於妒忌、嗔恨,或憤怒,它常常都是基於這些負面的心態。當我們談及別人,這是因為妒忌、嗔恨,或憤怒。所以,若果你的心不是帶著這些負面的東西,這就是你如何區別出是不是在講是非。須然依然是閒話,但不是在講是非。當你與人社交,然後所有人都在說這樣,說那樣,你可以搭上幾句,只是為了令別人開心。因為若果你不說話, 若果你只是聽著,然後甚麼都不說,那你的朋友、其他人或你的同事,都會覺得你很奇怪。這是我說善巧的方法可以應用到每日的生活的意思。善巧的方法是覺察,不過同時也是適應。若果你可以習慣使用這種方法,你就可以對別人帶起相反的作用,你可以對別人有正面的影響。若果你講閑話,而負面的情緒沒有在你身上生起,那是可以的。可以的意思是,這是對你好的,因為你沒有那些不良的質素。


第十七世大寶法王 分享有關 白雅仁波切圓寂 的消息

October 9, 2022



我們以非常悲痛的心情宣布,持有佛陀教法的偉大上師,蔣揚索南旺波白雅秋楚仁波切,於藏歷水虎年(2022 年 10 月 3 日)八月八日在成都圓寂。





因此,我請他的弟子,積集善根發無私大願。 我本人也為他迅速乘願歸來祈願。


October 9, 2022

Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa, shares the following message regarding the passing of Pewar Rinpoche.

Dear Dharma friends,

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of the Buddhist master Jamyang Sonam Wangpo Pewar Chogtrul Rinpoche, who departed on the 8th day of the 8th month in the Water Tiger year of the Tibetan calendar (the 3rd of October 2022) in the city of Chengdu.

The previous Dzongsar Khyentse Chokyi Lodro recognized Pewar Chogtrul Rinpoche as a reincarnated master and installed him as the Head of Pewar Monastery in the Derge region of Tibet.

In terms of the young Pewar Rinpoche’s education and training, Dzongsar Khyentse Chokyi Lodro played a major role. However, later on, because of changes in the country at the time, Pewar Rinpoche settled in an earth-cave in a secluded place not far from the Gonchen Monastery in the Derge region for a period of twenty years, which he spent in meditation.

From time to time devotees would seek his instructions, and during these encounters Pewar Rinpoche would ask trusted disciples to retrieve sacred objects such as statues and paintings from monasteries in the region. He then safeguarded these objects in his cave and later returned them to their rightful institutions once circumstances were stable. All in all, the late Pewar Rinpoche thus saved more than a thousand sacred images.

From the year of 1980 till his passing Pewar Rinpoche tirelessly taught the Buddha Dharma, gave transmissions and empowerments throughout the various regions of Tibet and abroad. However, due to sentient beings’ lack of good karma there may not be a master like him again in this world.

Thus, I hereby request all of his disciples to engage in virtue in order to acquire goodness and to cultivate the path of selfless aspirations.
And I myself pray for his swift return and the fulfillment of all his intentions.

Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa



於新德里2022 年9月20日














New Delhi, 20 September 2022

Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa, shares the following message after an earthquake in Taiwan.

Dear Dharma friends,

It is with great sadness that I learned of the earthquake that struck in the southeast of Taiwan last Sunday. While the death count has remained mercifully low, nevertheless such calamities create tremendous sorrow for all those directly affected by them. Thus, as a result of this earthquake many people have suffered injuries, and many more have lost their livelihood.

And this is just one of so many natural and manmade disasters that we have been seeing around the globe in recent times: from the devastating floods in Pakistan, the typhoon in Japan, and the catastrophic forest fires affecting numerous parts of the world, to the various man-made disasters such as war and different forms of violence.

In view of all this suffering around us it would be all too easy to be disheartened; to feel overwhelmed and powerless.

However, as the teachings on Mind Training (Lojong) tell us, the Buddha Dharma can help us transform all difficulties into the path to liberation, awakening.

Through our practice we can transform suffering and obstacles into opportunities to gain a clearer understanding of the nature of our human existence.

We can gain the wisdom to see that life is, by its very nature, fleeting and impermanent, and that the only thing we can rely on is the complete acceptance of this ever-changing and fluctuating world that is ours.

We can let go of our deep-rooted wishful thinking that our experience is permanent, that life is nothing but pleasure, and that what we consider as happiness will last forever.

At the same time, this insight will help us to naturally develop compassion for all other beings who are caught up in the same kind of wishful thinking, and give rise to the genuine wish to benefit them – not out of a sense of mission, but out of a genuine aspiration to be of support.

Therefore, dear Dharma friends, please utilise your precious human life and these challenging times we live in to the best of your ability, by transforming every experience into fuel for generating wisdom and compassion.

And please join me in dedicating your practice and your virtue to all those affected by misfortunes and disasters.

With prayers
Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa











今天下午 大約6 點 30 分,小雨從沒有雨雲的天空落下。也許這是我情感的投射,也許不是,但這就像是告別的祝福。這並不代表什麼都真正結束了,而是一種溫柔的感情。


像許多偉人一樣,從今以後他的道路將會是我們無數的道路。 但我們不會在有生之年,以我們認識的方式遇見他們。




Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa, shares the following message after the passing of Professor Sempa Dorje.

Dear Dharma friends,

Our beloved Genla, Professor Sempa Dorje, has entered the final meditation of this rebirth. He passed into Parinirvana yesterday evening, on the 10th day of the lunar calendar, which is known in Tibetan as tsechu.

I will forever miss his presence, and there will never be another great and unique Bodhisattva like him in my life.

He was one of my greatest teachers, and one of the greatest gifts made to me by my late root teacher, His Holiness the 14th Kunzig Shamar Rinpoche.

‘Genla’ is a simple term of endearment, by which I used to call Professor Sempa Dorje. The meaning of this term is ‘elderly’, not necessarily in terms of age, but more referring to the person’s knowledge and his paving the way to our realisation.

Just like myself, many fellow practitioners have had the precious opportunity to learn from him and absorb his treasures of Buddhist knowledge. I hope we will be able to honour him by being able to put into practice what he shared with us.

This afternoon around 6:30pm a light drizzle of rain fell from a sky that contained no real rain clouds. Maybe it’s my emotion, and maybe it’s not – but it was like a farewell blessing. Not that anything truly ends, but it was like a gentle touch of affection.

May we follow in his footsteps, and the footsteps of so many great masters – the way they live and the way they pass away.

His path from now on will be a myriad of paths, like that of so many great beings.

But we won’t witness them in our lifetime, not in the way we think we will. Yet, if we put what he has passed on to us into practice, then we can be sure that he will be with us all the way to enlightenment.

With prayers,
Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa









讓我們也提醒自己,無常和死亡並不是我們普遍認為那麼可怕,它們從來都不是終結。讓我們嘗試理解,在生命中 並沒有絕對的結束、失去、或死亡。生命只是隨著因緣和條件而相續不斷。






Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa, shares the following message regarding recent natural and man-made disasters.

Dear Dharma friends,

Since the beginning of this year alone – over the space of just a few months – we have witnessed so many natural disasters across the world: floods, landslides, cyclones, droughts, and wildfires, and all of these have caused immeasurable suffering to humans and animals alike.

On top of these natural calamities, we have also been seeing a number of accidents and man-made disasters, most recently the plane crash in Nepal last Sunday and the tragic school shooting in Uvalde, Texas, both of which have cost more than twenty human lives.

The accumulation of such events, against the backdrop of the many current global challenges, such as the war in Ukraine, the climate crisis, and the still-ongoing pandemic, can leave us feeling helpless and hopeless.

However, as practitioners of the Buddha Dharma, it is important for us to not give in to despair. Instead, let us use such happenings as a basis to reflect on the teachings of the Buddha Dharma, in particular the inevitability of death and the impermanent nature of life.

Let us also remind ourselves that impermanence and death are not the terrible news we often consider them to be – they are never the finale. Let’s try to understand that in life, there is no absolute end, loss or death. Life simply flows in a series of pulses, in accordance with causes and conditions.

At the same time, let us think of all those who have experienced tremendous loss and are grief-stricken and devastated, and let us extend our wishes and prayers to the victims of all disasters, both natural and manmade: the deceased, the injured and the bereaved alike.

I would request all of my fellow practitioners to join me in making lamp offerings dedicated to their benefit, and to recite the six-syllable mantra of the Buddha of Compassion, Avalokiteshvara, as much as possible.

With prayers

Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa
