大寶法王 – 開示 (中文翻譯由本中心翻譯小組負責。若有錯漏,請見諒。節錄或載列文章內容以原文為準。) 佛教修行者的內在財富Inner Wealth for the Buddhist practitioner —-NEW 對於初接觸藏傳佛教的人來說,甚麼是良好的修行方法? What is a Good Practice to Start With for People Who are New to Tibetan Buddhism? —-NEW 在聖下紅冠法王夏瑪仁波切圓寂一周年的致詞 Karmapa’s speech to mark the one year anniversary of Shamar Rinpoche’s passing 雷曼事件的教訓 Learning From Lehman 9-11: 非暴力及慈悲心 September 11th: Nonviolence and Compassion 歐洲財富 The Wealth of Europe 痛苦、收穫、生命競賽 Pain, Gain and the Race of Life 讓生活更豐盛的五步曲 Five Steps to a Wealthier Life 聖下夏瑪仁波切圓寂 PASSING OF HH SHAMAR RINPOCHE – VIDEO 淨土 PURELAND – VIDEO 非暴力及慈悲心 Non-violence and compassion 尋找自由 Finding freedom 尋找平衡 Finding balance 環球暖化 Global warming 淨觀 Pure View 察覺自己真正的本性 Realizing my true nature 佛語 Buddha speech 怎樣幫助臨終的人 How to help a dying person 靈修上師 Spiritual teacher 更多開示: http://www.karmapa.org/media/articles/ http://www.kibi-edu.org/teachers/karmapa/