這是一個非常重要的問題。 我們應該為亡者作49天的佛事。經典記載,從死亡到第49天,每7天神識會昏過去然後醒來,在醒來的期間,神識是最清醒而且純淨的。 因此,讓家庭成員認識到這一點是很重要,並且要累積功德、祈禱、念誦咒語和作回向。
What to do if family member pass away ?
This is a very important question. we should preform rituals for the 49th day. It is believed that every 7 day from the death until the 49 day the mind somehow blacks out and wakes up again and during that time the mind most awakened and pure. so it is important for family members to be aware of this and to accumulate merits, pray, recite mantras and make dedications.