非暴力及慈悲心 – 聖者大寶法王泰耶多傑所發的特別訊息:
A special message from His Holiness Karmapa Thaye Dorje about nonviolence and compassion on September 11th.
9-11 是紐約及華盛頓恐怖襲擊的週年。在襲擊中,近3000人喪生;構成極大的損失及痛苦,至今還感受得到。處於暴力的環境中,在哪裡尋得希望?
Dear dharma friends,
September 11th marks the anniversary of the tragic events in New York and Washington in 2001. Nearly 3000 people were killed in the attacks, causing huge suffering and loss, still felt to this day. In the face of violence, where is there hope?
細看襲擊的當天,在煙火及破壞的背後,可看到無數慈悲的行為。急救隊、義工及不同背景的人都伸出援手,全心幫助別人。人類的心識 –菩提心– 是最寶貴的。最然佛陀能在生命中幫助我們,但菩提心比佛陀更加寶貴。在人類的心識中,看到無盡的希望。
When we look into the events on that day, behind the smoke and destruction, we see numerous acts of compassion. Emergency services, volunteers, people of all backgrounds stretching out their hands and hearts to help each other. The human heart, Bodhicitta, is the most precious of all. While Buddhas are helpful in life, the compassionate heart is even more precious than a Buddha. In the human heart, we see limitless hope.
9-11也是甘地發起現代非暴力運動的週年。在1906年的當天,非暴力運動誕生了。它代表慈愛與真理。這慈愛的力量啟發了馬丁路德金,及無數人等,去追隨非暴力運動。這慈愛的運動提升了人類心識的寶貴性,及從慈悲流出的希望。如甘地說:[非暴力是心識的特質,不能經呼籲 理性所啟發。]
September 11th also marks the anniversary of when Mohandas Gandhi started the modern nonviolent movement. On this day in 1906, Satyagraha, the force of love or truth which flows from nonviolence, was born. This compassionate movement inspired Martin Luther King Jr, and countless others, to follow a nonviolent path. This compassionate movement lifted up the preciousness of the human heart, and the hope that flows from kindness. As Gandhi said ‘Non-violence, which is the quality of the heart, cannot come by an appeal to the brain.’
在這天,我向你們的心識呼籲,請記住受苦的眾生。 在這天,我向你們的心識呼籲,請流露慈悲。
On this day, I appeal to your hearts, remember those who suffer. On this day, I appeal to your hearts, let compassion flow.
Gautama Buddha said ‘Better than a thousand hollow words, is one word that brings peace.’
On this day, I appeal to your precious human hearts, may you share words that bring peace to all sentie