Event Photo 新中心於佛陀天降日舉行灑淨 19/11/2019 妙境佛學會 新中心於佛陀天降日(Lhabab Duchen)舉行灑淨,並迎請智慧本尊降臨。祈願一切吉祥如意🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 New Centre cleansing purification and welcoming the wisdom aspect of the deities on The Buddhas Descendent Day (Lhabab Duchen) May all be auspicious🙏🙏🙏 新中心於佛陀天降日(Lhabab Duchen)舉行灑淨,並迎請智慧本尊降臨。祈願一切吉祥如意🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻New Centre cleansing purification and welcoming the wisdom aspect of the deities on The Buddhas Descendent Day (Lhabab Duchen) May all be auspicious🙏🙏🙏Posted by Karma Kagyu Lineage Centre – Hong Kong 大寶法王傳承中心 on Tuesday, November 19, 2019