
2021年洽美仁波切給眾弟子的祝福及開示 :

On the first day of 2021, Chagmay Rimpoche has the following greetings for us:
Dear dharma brothers and sisters of Hong Kong:
The year 2020 has been a difficult year for all of us, yet if we look at it in a different aspect, it has definitely made us more awakened on the precious existence of  ours, and how we should value it through the understanding of the Buddhas teaching. 
The pandemic is a great obstacle but we if we can turn obstacle into a valuable lesson learned and through it gain wisdom, obstacle can be useful means as well. In this new year I wish all of you stronger Devotion, Respect and Samaya to the Three Jewels.
Happy New Year! 🎈🎆🎊🎈🍾