我們要保持心識平靜,讓我們的心平靜,不受情緒的干擾,這是很重要的。否則,如果我們的名字,我們的形象受到攻擊,雖然別人只是攻擊我們的名字,我們的形象 ,這只是鏡中的反射而不是我們的身體 ,我們仍然會感到傷害並引起不必要的混亂。
It is important that we keep our minds calm, that our minds are at peace and not disturbed by emotion. Otherwise, if our name, our image is attacked, then although others are just attacking our name, our image – just the reflection in the mirror and not even our physical body – we may still feel hurt and give rise to unnecessary commotion.
在動機方面,我們必須非常非常的貪婪- 我們想的是整個世界!我們想的是無量無數眾生,我們希望能利益所有眾生。
How do we balance taking care of ourselves, and being compassionate and taking care of others?
In terms of motivation, we have to be very, very greedy – we want to take on the whole world! We want to think of all the countless sentient beings. We want to benefit all of them.
So we have to be very ambitious. Now in terms of how do we go about it, today, tomorrow, day after? Very simple. We just at the moment accumulate merit and wisdom to help ourselves. Because at the moment, we don’t have the capacity or the ability to benefit all sentient beings. In all honesty, we don’t. We can try, but we will lose a lot of energy to accomplish anything. So instead, we help ourselves. When we help ourselves, we do so not with a selfish motive, but with the aim of helping myself in order to serve all other sentient beings.